
proiect-inginerie-software-team-21-30 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava


Application Description

RecipeBuddy features a mentoring website for cooking, built with Spring Boot + Maven, and Angular.

Ever wanted to get rid of unhealthy eating habits, take up the hobby of cooking, or just overall improve your culinary skills? RecipeBuddy is the app that can do just that, and more, through mentorship!

Our website focuses on providing support for people that want to expand their repertoire of cooking. It features a register/login system that lets people choose between two types of users: trainee and mentor. Through the functionality of associating mentors to trainees, users can search for and interact with people who they think they would get along with, by subscribing to their cooking courses, and in turn, mentors can organize video calls with their trainees. Moreover, the platform gives both trainees and mentors the option to post their own recipes, this way creating an inclusive and learn-friendly environment. In order to edit user info, each user has their own profile page, on which personal data is displayed: username, e-mail; and can be edited only by the owner of the account.

Problem Statement

  • The problem & The affected audience: people inexperienced at cooking find it difficult to improve their culinary skills without live guidance, or without someone to mentor them.

  • Relevance: it is important for people to know how to cook for themselves, so that they don't have to rely on fast food diets, or on other people doing the cooking for them. Moreover, by preparing their own meals, they have the freedom to experiment with their dishes and learn what they like or dislike, and they may also find it enjoyable, thus making a hobby out of it.

  • Solution (aims & objectives): by developing a mentoring website for cooking, users will have the option to subscribe to courses posted by mentors (for free), this way being able to join online meetings with other people, as well as with the course's mentor, that showcase the mentor's culinary sessions through a webcam. By attending live meetings, users can get proper guidance, while also interacting with mentors, and in doing so, they won't have to tirelessly search the internet for recipes, videos, and how-to's. Moreover, for further individual improvement, users have free access to the contents of courses and recipes posted by other users.

Functional Decomposition

Functional decomposition

Non-Functional Requirements List


  • User data is encrypted (e.g. passwords)

Reliability and Availability:

  • The web app should be available 24/7


  • Mentors should be able to quickly start a meeting
  • Trainees will have easy access to their courses


  • Color scheme:

  • Modern look with round buttons


  • The application responds within 2 seconds after a request is sent


  • Date format for meetings will follow the template: dd/mm/yyyy

Activity Diagram

Link (if the image below is not visible enough) Activity diagram new

Project Charter Document

Project charter document

Definition of Done and Definition of Ready

Definition of Done:

  • Code is complete
  • All functionalities are covered
  • Code builds without errors
  • All the tests pass (including User Acceptance Testing)
  • Documentation is complete
  • Tasks closed and remaining hours is set to 0

Definition of Ready:

  • User Story is clear
  • User Story is accepted by every member of the team
  • User Story does not compromise the security of the application
  • User Story does not compromise the performance of the application
  • All the dependencies are completed

