
Training a multi-player agent to play snake

Primary LanguagePython

Training an RL agent on the snake game using proximal policy optimization


  • Python 3.5
  • Tensorforce (scripts without "ppo"; use latest version from Github)
  • OpenAI baselines (scripts with "ppo" in name)
  • OpenAI gym
  • pygame
  • imageio (only to create gif movies)
  • matplotlib (to display the learning curve)
  • tensorflow


Each script starting with "train" corresponds to a separate model. By default, each script loads pre-trained parameters and displays the agent in action:

python train_XXX.py

To retrain a model from scratch (this might overwrite the saved parameters in the corresponding subfolder), use:

python train_XXX.py --train

To load pre-trained weights and save the first 3 episodes as a GIF-movie, use

python train_XXX.py --savegif

For a detailed description and evaluation of each model see the corresponding blog post. To display the learning curve of model XXX use

python analyze_learning_curve.py -d XXX/