Welcome to the Camunda Community Hub Community Summit Plugins Project!

This contest will take place during Camunda Community Summit and will be orchestrated by @SebastianStamm!

The goal of the Plugin Contest is for you to write your own Cockpit plugin and make it available to the Camunda Community!

How to participate

1. Write a Plugin

First, you have to come up with a funny, original, or maybe even useful idea for a Cockpit plugin. If you are new to Cockpit plugins, check out the Camunda Docs or have a look at a very simple demo plugin.

2. Submit your Plugin with a Pull Request

After you have finished your plugin, fork this repository and create a Pull Request. The pull request should contain a directory with a name that accurately describes your plugin (e.g. "translations" or "nightmode"). Inside the directory, you should have the following files and directories:

  • setup.json: A JSON file containing information about how to install and uninstall your plugin.
  • screenshot.png: A representative screenshot that will be displayed in the store. The screenshot should have a height of 218px.
  • src/: The actual plugin. The files in this directory will be copied to the server. The concrete structure for this directory depends on the plugin type.

The setup.json file

This file contains information about how to install and uninstall your plugin. Please have a look at this example to see how this file should be structured:

  "title": "My Awesome Plugin",
  "description": "A short description of the Plugin. It should not contain more than 250 characters",
  "app": "Cockpit",
  "type": "Custom Script"

The app property indicates which webapp is augmented by the plugin. Right now, we only support "Cockpit" for this property.

The type property indicates what type of plugin this is. Right now, we only support "Custom Script" and "Translation" for this property.

"Custom Script" Config

For custom scripts, the src directory of the plugin must contain an index.js file that serves as entry point for the plugin.

"Translation" Config

For translations, the src directory of the plugin must contain a .json file with the appropriate language code (e.g. en.json).

3. Wait for the Pull Request Review

After you created the Pull Request, we will have a look at it and merge it if everything is okay. After your plugin is merged, you can see it in the Camunda Community Plugin Store.

If you submit your Pull Request before the end of the Camunda Community Summit 2021, your Plugin is also considered for the competition and you might win a Camunda goodie bag for the best plugin!

For more information on how to get started in the Camunda Community Hub, please visit our community repository!