[SIGGRAPH2023] NeRO: Neural Geometry and BRDF Reconstruction of Reflective Objects from Multiview Images

Primary LanguagePython

NeRO for Blender Dataset

NeRO: Neural Geometry and BRDF Reconstruction of Reflective Objects from Multiview Images



  1. Install basic required packages.
git clone https://github.com/liuyuan-pal/NeRO.git
cd NeRO
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install nvdiffrast. Please follow instructions here https://nvlabs.github.io/nvdiffrast/#installation.
  2. Install raytracing. Please follow instructions here https://github.com/ashawkey/raytracing.

Download datasets

  • NeRO Models and datasets all can be found here.
  • The Blender dataset used for testing comes from NeRF and Ref-NeRF.

Config Files

This project is also compatible with the NeRO dataset. In this project, we have placed the setting of dataset_dir in the .yaml file.

For example, if the path of the lego dataset is ~/NeRO/data/nerf_synthetic/lego, then in the .yaml file, dataset_dir: ~/NeRO/data/nerf_synthetic.

To run Blender Dataset, we need to change the .yaml files. The .yaml file for the Blender dataset differs from NeRO in two ways.

  • The category of database_name is nerf.
  • It is necessary to add is_nerf: true in the .yaml file.

Examples of the .yaml files can be seen in configs/shape/nerf and configs/material/nerf.

Stage I: Shape reconstruction

  1. In the NeRO directory, ensure that you have the following data:
|-- data
    |-- GlossyReal
        |-- bear 
    |-- GlossySynthetic
        |-- bell
    |-- Blender
    	|-- lego
  1. Run the training script
# reconstructing the "bell" of the Glossy Synthetic dataset
python run_training.py --cfg configs/shape/syn/bell.yaml

# reconstructing the "bear" of the Glossy Real dataset
python run_training.py --cfg configs/shape/real/bear.yaml

# reconstructing the "lego" of the Blender dataset
python run_training.py --cfg configs/shape/nerf/lego.yaml

Intermediate results will be saved at data/train_vis. Models will be saved at data/model.

  1. Extract mesh from the model.
python extract_mesh.py --cfg configs/shape/syn/bell.yaml
python extract_mesh.py --cfg configs/shape/real/bear.yaml
python extract_mesh.py --cfg configs/shape/nerf/lego.yaml

The extracted meshes will be saved at data/meshes.

Stage II: Material estimation

  1. In the NeRO directory, ensure that you have the following data:
|-- data
    |-- GlossyReal
        |-- bear 
    |-- GlossySynthetic
        |-- bell
    |-- Blender
    	|-- lego
    |-- meshes
        | -- bell_shape-300000.ply
        | -- bear_shape-300000.ply
        | -- lego_shape-300000.ply
  1. Run the training script:
# estimate BRDF of the "bell" of the Glossy Synthetic dataset
python run_training.py --cfg configs/material/syn/bell.yaml

# estimate BRDF of the "bear" of the Glossy Real dataset
python run_training.py --cfg configs/material/real/bear.yaml

# estimate BRDF of the "lego" of the Blender dataset
python run_training.py --cfg configs/material/nerf/lego.yaml

Intermediate results will be saved at data/train_vis. Models will be saved at data/model.

  1. Extract materials from the model.
python extract_materials.py --cfg configs/material/syn/bell.yaml
python extract_materials.py --cfg configs/material/real/bear.yaml
python extract_materials.py --cfg configs/material/nerf/lego.yaml

The extracted materials will be saved at data/materials.

Relighting (Not Testing)

  1. In the NeRO directory, ensure that you have the following data:
|-- data
    |-- GlossyReal
        |-- bear 
    |-- GlossySynthetic
        |-- bell
    |-- meshes
        | -- bell_shape-300000.ply
        | -- bear_shape-300000.ply
    |-- materials
        | -- bell_material-100000
            | -- albedo.npy
            | -- metallic.npy
            | -- roughness.npy
        | -- bear_material-100000
            | -- albedo.npy
            | -- metallic.npy
            | -- roughness.npy
    |-- hdr
        | -- neon_photostudio_4k.exr
  1. Run relighting script
python relight.py --blender <path-to-your-blender> \
                  --name bell-neon \
                  --mesh data/meshes/bell_shape-300000.ply \
                  --material data/materials/bell_material-100000 \
                  --hdr data/hdr/neon_photostudio_4k.exr \
python relight.py --blender <path-to-your-blender> \
                  --name bear-neon \
                  --mesh data/meshes/bear_shape-300000.ply \
                  --material data/materials/bear_material-100000 \
                  --hdr data/hdr/neon_photostudio_4k.exr

The relighting results will be saved at data/relight with the directory name of bell-neon or bear-neon. This command means that we use neon_photostudio_4k.exr to relight the object.

Training on custom objects

Refer to custom_object.md.


Refer to eval.md.

Results (on Blender Datasets)

Stage1: Shape reconstruction

chair 27.73918 ball 39.62966
drums 21.06286 car 26.09878
ficus 22.51317 coffee 30.61401
hotdog 29.33451 helmet 29.56573
lego 23.47746 teapot 35.41234
materials 24.32323 toaster 25.23647
mic 24.54512
ship 22.91336

Stage2: Material estimation

chair 28.74847 ball 33.66338
drums 24.88227 car 26.9762
ficus 28.38085 coffee 33.76237
hotdog 32.13475 helmet 29.59044
lego 25.66081 teapot 40.28731
materials 24.8514 toaster 27.30664
mic 28.63963
ship 26.54597


In this repository, we have used codes from the following repositories. We thank all the authors for sharing great codes.


  title={NeRO: Neural Geometry and BRDF Reconstruction of Reflective Objects from Multiview Images},
  author={Liu, Yuan and Wang, Peng and Lin, Cheng and Long, Xiaoxiao and Wang, Jiepeng and Liu, Lingjie and Komura, Taku and Wang, Wenping},