Java Programming with Apache Kafka

Preliminary Setup (MacOS)

Download It

  • Go to to download the open-source software for Kafka. (Use the binary download link associated with Scala 2.12)
  • Move the downloaded zip file: mv Downloads/<file-name>.tgz ~/
  • Uncompress the zip file as a directory: tar -xvf <file-name>.tgz

Install Java

  • Check the current version of Java on your computer:
java -version 
  • Install version 8 using Homebrew:
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew cask install java8

Install IntelliJ IDEA

Done with setup!

Try the Kafka CLI

  1. List all commands in the bin directory:
cd kafka_2.12-<version>/bin
  1. Try using a CLI command (list topics)
  1. Add the Kafka CLI commands to your PATH variable by appending the following line to the end of your ~/.bash_profile. To get an accurate path to your kafka bin directory, execute pwd from that location.
export PATH="$PATH:Users/<user>/kafka_2.12-<version>/bin"
  1. Navigate to a different directory. Try out the command interface by typing kafka- followed by the tab. It should list all commands. Use arrow keys to navigate and type Enter to execute.

Start Zookeeper and Kafka

  1. Navigate to the kafka_2.12-<version> directory. Make sure you have a config/ directory.
  2. Create your own data directory to store log data:
mkdir data
mkdir data/zookeeper
mkdir data/kafka
  1. Update your config/ file with this edit (Use pwd to get the full path).
  1. Update your config/ file too.
  1. Start a zookeeper server. Once it is started, you will get a message that it is binding to port 2181.
zookeeper-server-start config/
  1. Open a second terminal window and start a kafka server. It will be hosted on port 9092.
kafka-server-start config/