
Easy AWS SSM Parameter management via CLI

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Easy SSM Parameters

Simple SSM Parameter Store interactions via a CLI.


I've been using AWS SSM Parameter store for a while now for all my applications and the management is a nightmare. This CLI aims to simplify the management of parameters in AWS SSM.


You can check out the releases page.



$ brew tap technicallyjosh/easy-params
$ brew install easy-params


$ easy-params
An easy AWS Parameter Store CLI

  easy-params [flags]
  easy-params [command]

Available Commands:
  diff        Shows the difference recursively between 2 paths.
  get         A brief description of your command
  help        Help about any command
  ls          List parameters by path
  migrate     Migrate parameters by path
  put         Put parameter by path
  rm          Remove parameter(s) by path

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.easy-params.yaml)
  -h, --help            help for easy-params
      --load-config     load aws config from ~/.aws/config (default true)
  -l, --local-time      convert UTC to local time (default true)
      --region string   AWS region to use
      --version         show version

Use "easy-params [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Basic Usage

Right now it uses your default profile found in ~/.aws/credentials. You can change the region to use on any command but for now it pulls from your [default] defined. This will also load ~/.aws/config by default.



Lists parameters in specified path.

$ easy-params ls --help
List parameters by path

  easy-params ls <path> [flags]

  -d, --decrypt     decrypt "SecureString" values (default true)
  -e, --env         output plain .env format
  -h, --help        help for ls
  -p, --plain       plain text instead of table
  -r, --recursive   recursively get values based on path (default true)
  -v, --values      display values

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.easy-params.yaml)
      --load-config     load aws config from ~/.aws/config (default true)
  -l, --local-time      convert UTC to local time (default true)
      --region string   AWS region to use
      --version         show version


Get a single parameter by path.

$ easy-params get --help
Get parameter value by path

  easy-params get <path> [flags]

  -d, --decrypt   decrypt "SecureString" value (default true)
  -h, --help      help for get

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.easy-params.yaml)
      --load-config     load aws config from ~/.aws/config (default true)
  -l, --local-time      convert UTC to local time (default true)
      --region string   AWS region to use
      --version         show version


Put a parameter to the specified path.

$ easy-params put --help
Put parameter by path

  easy-params put <path> <value> [flags]

  -c, --context string   context mode for setting many values.
  -h, --help             help for put
  -o, --overwrite        overwrite param if exists.
  -t, --type string      type of parameter. (default "SecureString")
  -v, --value string     value to store.

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.easy-params.yaml)
      --load-config     load aws config from ~/.aws/config (default true)
  -l, --local-time      convert UTC to local time (default true)
      --region string   AWS region to use
      --version         show version


Remove a parameter by path. You can also remove recursively by path with the --recursive flag.

$ easy-params rm --help
Remove parameter(s) by path

  easy-params rm <path(s)> [flags]

  -h, --help        help for rm
      --recursive   remove all children on path recursively

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.easy-params.yaml)
      --load-config     load aws config from ~/.aws/config (default true)
  -l, --local-time      convert UTC to local time (default true)
      --region string   AWS region to use
      --version         show version


Migrate parameters from one path to another. Supports region to region. This command will use the same region if region-to is not specified.

$ easy-params migrate --help
Migrate parameters by path

  easy-params migrate <source path> [destination path] [flags]

  -h, --help                 help for migrate
      --overwrite            overwrite destination params
  -f, --region-from string   the region to migrate from
  -t, --region-to string     the region to migrate to

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.easy-params.yaml)
      --load-config     load aws config from ~/.aws/config (default true)
  -l, --local-time      convert UTC to local time (default true)
      --region string   AWS region to use
      --version         show version


Simple diff between 2 paths. Can also diff values.

$ easy-params diff --help
Shows the difference recursively between 2 paths.

  easy-params diff <path 1> <path 2> [flags]

  -d, --decrypt           decrypt "SecureString" values (default true)
  -h, --help              help for diff
  -v, --values            show value diffs
  -w, --width-limit int   width limit of value output

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.easy-params.yaml)
      --load-config     load aws config from ~/.aws/config (default true)
  -l, --local-time      convert UTC to local time (default true)
      --region string   AWS region to use
      --version         show version