
pelican plugin that sets default bootstrap classes for rendered html

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This pelican plugin modifies article and page html to use bootstrap's default classes. This is especially handy if you want to write tables in markdown, since the attr_list extension does not play nice with tables.


  • Beautifulsoup4 - install via pip install beautifulsoup4


  • Adds table table-striped to all <table> elements.
  • Adds img-fluid to all <img> elements.
  • Use BOOTSTRAPIFY in your Pelican configuration file to pass a {'css-selector': ['list-of-classes']} dictionary to the plugin. Bootstrapify will append list-of-classes to all tags that match css-selector. The selector can be as simple as a tag name (table or p) or as complicated as a.menu:nth-of-type(3) (see the Beautifulsoup4 documentation).

Example for md tables

  1. Write your table in markdown
| Protocol       | Contact Information
|:-------------- |:-----------------------------------------------------|
| jabber/xmpp    | [winlu@jabber.at](winlu@jabber.at)                   |
| email          | [derwinlu@gmail.com](mailto:derwinlu@gmail.com)      |
| IRC - freenode | winlu                                                |
  1. there is no step 2, the plugin adds the needed classes to the <table> node, resulting in the following output:
<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
      <th align="left">Protocol</th>
      <th align="left">Contact Information</th>
      <td align="left">jabber/xmpp</td>
      <td align="left"><a href="winlu@jabber.at">winlu@jabber.at</a></td>
      <td align="left">email</td>
      <td align="left"><a href="mailto:derwinlu@gmail.com">derwinlu@gmail.com</a></td>
      <td align="left"><span class="caps">IRC</span> - freenode</td>
      <td align="left">winlu</td>

Known Issues

  • plugin seems not to fire for drafts
  • not enough customization possible, maybe read article,page metadata for more options