
YAML Highlight script for VIM editor

Primary LanguageVim Script

# Vim syntax file
# Language:         YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) 1.2
# Maintainer:       Nikolai Pavlov <zyx.vim@gmail.com>
# Credits:          Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
#                   Igor Vergeichik <iverg@mail.ru>
# Support:          Ingy döt Net <ingy@ingy.net>
#                   Tom Sawyer <transami@transami.net>
# Last Change:      2010-10-08
# Version:          2.1

YAML.VIM and YAML collection sorting scripts:

- Put syntax/yaml.vim in vim's syntax folder (/usr/share/vim/syntax on my system)
- Add the .yaml/.yml extensions to the filetype.vim file: |
    " Yaml
    au BufNewFile,BufRead *.yaml,*.yml    setf yaml
- If you want add a new enty to the syntax menu:
    an 50.110.370 &Syntax.WXYZ.Yaml :cal SetSyn("yaml")<CR>
- Put yamlsort.rb and yamlsort.vim into ~/.vim/scripts directory.

- Type vim command: |
    :source ~/.vim/scripts/yamlsort.vim
- Then: >
    <F4> is mapped to sort YAML collections in direct order, 
    and <F5> in reversed order.

- If you want change key mapping of sorting rules edit yamlsort.vim

- Work with short notation of collections and mappings ({}, [])
- Support sorting of multiline values

  - Merge Nikolai Weibull's rendition of yaml.vim (thanks to Phill Baker).
  - Key field can contain any number of spaces before column.
  - >
    If any record of collection does not key field (i.e field which
    value is used in sorting), it is placed to the end of collection.