API can't be used anymore
Unofficial Cookpad API for developer
Cookpad API is grab or scrap data from cookpad.com website with PHP. You can find all feature from cookpad with simply use. Features list :
- All Recipes
- Detail Recipe
- Detail User
- Detail Recook
- Search Recipes
- Clone / download this repository.
- Open terminal. Go to your project directory then run,
composer install
- Open your url directory on browser.
- Open index.php file (your root file).
- Load composer and Cookpad class,
require "vendor/autoload.php";
require "cookpad/Cookpad.php";
- Declaration new Cookpad,
$cookpad = new Cookpad(new \PHPHtmlParser\Dom);
Because we use PHPHtmlParser to scrap website, you must initializate too.
$cookpad->set('locate', $locate);
Cookpad API set country. List all locate you can find at cookpad.com/en/regions. By default, locate set id (Indonesia). In version 2017.3 Cookpad API not supported with jp (Japan).
$cookpad->set('url', $urlwithslash);
By default, search URL set /search.
$cookpad->all($page, $limit, $random = false);
Example :
Response :
"status": 200,
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/",
"page": {
"before": 1,
"now": 1,
"next": 2
"total": 21,
"data": [
"id": 1408010,
"title": "Sayur Bayam Jagung Manis",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/resep/1408010-sayur-bayam-jagung-manis",
"image": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_recipes/8079f3d1d2a4a803/400sq70/photo.jpg",
"author": "oleh Adam's Mommy",
"description": "",
"duration": "15 menit",
"portion": "2 piring"
Example :
IMPORTANT! You can't set target with cookpad url, example http://cookpad.com/id/resep/1408010-sayur-bayam-jagung-manis.
Response :
"status": 200,
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/resep/1408010-sayur-bayam-jagung-manis",
"data": [
"title": "Sayur Bayam Jagung Manis",
"author": "Adam's Mommy",
"author_avatar": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_users/1921ada0286d29c3/56x56cq50/photo.jpg",
"author_profile": "https://cookpad.com/id/pengguna/5899742",
"description": "",
"image": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_recipes/8079f3d1d2a4a803/664x470cq70/photo.jpg",
"likes": 4,
"duration": "15 menit",
"portion": "2 porsi",
"ingredients": [
"name": "1 ikat bayam"
"steps": [
"name": "Potong-potong bayam dan jagung lalu bersihkan",
"pict": ""
"recooks": [
"id": "https://cookpad.com/id/recook/1527234",
"name": "Safriani (Shafira's)",
"avatar": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_users/7d34f4453764e85e/50x50cq50/photo.jpg",
"message": "Makasih resep_nya mommy...",
"pict": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_photo_reports/8724421b7688fcb8/200x200cq70/photo.jpg"
"related": [
"key": "sayur bayam jagung manis",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/cari/sayur%20bayam%20jagung%20manis"
"key": "sayur",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/cari/sayur"
$cookpad->profile($target, $searchrecipe, $page);
Example :
$cookpad->profile('pengguna/4855359', 'pizza');
Response :
"status": 200,
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/pengguna/4855359",
"page": {
"before": 1,
"now": 1,
"next": 1
"profile": [
"name": "Chef Fien",
"avatar": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_users/eb4a5f73636dea98/200x200cq50/photo.jpg",
"banner": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_recipes/475e61bdc971055b/800x565cq70/photo.jpg",
"description": "Ibu rumah tangga dengan tiga anak gembul...",
"city": "",
"recipes": 13,
"photos": 4,
"comments": 6,
"following": 1,
"followers": 20
"data": [
"id": 2275751,
"title": "Telor Dadar Krispii so simple",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/resep/2275751-telor-dadar-krispii-so-simple",
"image": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_recipes/475e61bdc971055b/260x366cq50/photo.jpg",
"author": "Chef Fien",
"author_avatar": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_users/eb4a5f73636dea98/64x64cq50/photo.jpg",
"description": "telor, tepung bumbu, garam, air, minyak goreng utk menggoreng",
"duration": 0,
"portion": 1
Example :
Response :
"status": 200,
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/recook/1527234",
"data": [
"title": "Sayur Bayam Jagung Manis",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/resep/1408010-sayur-bayam-jagung-manis",
"image": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_users/7d34f4453764e85e/96x96cq50/photo.jpg",
"author": "oleh Adam's Mommy",
"duration": "15 menit",
"portion": "2 porsi"
"recooks": [
"name": "Safriani (Shafira's)",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/pengguna/4527062",
"image": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_photo_reports/8724421b7688fcb8/420x420cq70/photo.jpg",
"date": "4 Maret 2017",
"message": "Makasih resep_nya mommy...",
"likes": 3,
"comments": [
"name": "Adam's Mommy",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/pengguna/5899742",
"image": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_users/1921ada0286d29c3/60x60cq50/photo.jpg",
"message": "Sama sama bunda.. Makasih udah di recook.. Semoga sukaa.. 😘😉",
"likes": 0
$cookpad->search($keyword, $page, $limit, $random = false);
Example :
$cookpad->search('kukus surabaya', 1, 1);
Response :
"status": 200,
"keyword": "kukus surabaya",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/cari/kukus+surabaya",
"page": {
"before": 1,
"now": 1,
"next": 2
"total": 20,
"total_all": 28,
"data": [
"id": 956210,
"title": "Bolu kukus surabaya ala saya😀",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/resep/956210-bolu-kukus-surabaya-ala-saya%F0%9F%98%80",
"image": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_recipes/38533e144ae39394/260x366cq50/photo.jpg",
"author": "Shella Rachma",
"author_avatar": "https://img-global.cpcdn.com/003_users/3a1e4e8be7cea55a/64x64cq50/photo.jpg",
"description": "telur, gula, tepung, sp, baking powder, Coklat bubuk, vanili kecil, margarin (cairkan tunggu ampe dingin ya jangan di masukin klo panas tar bantet)",
"duration": 0,
"portion": 1
"related": [
"name": "kukus",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/cari/kukus"
"name": "surabaya",
"url": "https://cookpad.com/id/cari/surabaya"
- More simply params all methods
- Auth with Cookpad API
- Log message and count data request.
- thinking..