Use Smallpdf
Source docx files are c:Virtelfoo_manuals
pandoc foo.docx -o foo.rst --extract-media=images
Use the build_howto bat files. Run from GitHubVirtel directory.
Warning - Take a backup of the DOCS directory before running. - Will destroy all of your modifications as directories are deleted. Once you are OK you can delete the backup docs. You can also recover from GITHUB.
Use GitHub
Repositories - Virtel
make clean Clean directories make html Build files
From within the directory issue the command:-
sphinx-build -b latex . latex
Then open TexWorks folder and process the .tex file to create the PDF. Select LuaLaTex+... in the drop down.
Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage, in any form, of all or any part of the contents of this document, except by prior authorization of SysperTec Communication, is prohibited.
This book is currently under construction. Do not use!
VIRTEL User Guide
Virtel User Guide
Creating HTML and XML templates <#_V456UG_creating_HTML>