
Le Wagon Promo Chat with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Background & Objectives

In this challenge, you will play with an API we provide: the wagon-chat API. This API will allow you to chat and post some gossips on your wagon-mates 😉

Throughout this exercise, you'll have to make GET and POST requests to an API coded by Le Wagon teachers.

You'll use AJAX calls and implement a dynamic chat-room where you view the latest messages and you can post a new one.


Get the code and set it up

git clone https://github.com/inimino/promo-chat.git
cd promo-chat
npm install # install the dependencies
npm start # run the development server and open the app in your browser

View logic

In the src/App.js file of the challenge, you'll find an HTML form #comment-form with two inputs (#your-message and #your-name), and a list of messages. Where are the "sample message from John" messages coming from in the code?

Start by following the flow of the messages, from index.js to src/App.js in the App component, through the Messages component, into the Message component.

Quiz: why are there two sample messages shown in the list rather than one or none?

In index.js you'll find there is an object with two empty dummy messages.

Update the JSX to render the real messages

Your first task is to replace the dummy messages with sample messages from the API. You can get a real message from the real API or if none of your classmates have posted any comments yet, there is a JSON object on the API documentation page which you can simply copy and paste into your index.js to use as an example while you create your React code to render it.

In the Message component, there is dummy markup returned, with the same sample message returned every time.

Replace this with the actual JSX necessary to display the actual content of the message, the user name, and (optionally) the created time.

Remember the JSX syntax and review the Facebook documentation as needed.

Fetch recent messages

In the markup, you'll find a #refresh button that should reload all the comments for your promotion and make you discover what your mates have posted on the wall!

Find the get_messages() function inside src/index.js. The button is already wired up to this function for you. You will need to use fetch to do the GET request to the API. Again, you have to read the the documentation of the API to see how this request is structured and what the API will return.

Before you touch your code, use curl to test your GET request. Then write your fetch code once you have the request working with curl.

If you don't remember how to use curl, use man curl to read the helpful man page. Curl has a lot of options. If you work with HTTP and REST APIs, curl is going to become your best friend.

When you write your code using fetch(), first, just make sure you are getting the messages and console.log() them once you get the response.

Secondly, use these to replace the messages variable inside of index.js, and then call the render() function again to re-render the entire App.

Push your messages

That's great to see what your classmates are posting, but how about posting your own messages?

For that, you have send the correct POST request and send data to be stored on the API's database. Read the documentation to figure out how to build your request, and use fetch() again to do the POST.

Find the Send button inside the CommentForm component.

Look at how the Refresh Chat button was wired to the get_messages function, and do the same for the send_message function on the Send button.

Then switch over to index.js and implement the sending, according to the API documentation. Now you're talking!

Be sure to use console.log() liberally in your fetch code so you don't get stuck!


Can't you make your app automatically refresh, and get rid of the "Refresh Chat" button?

Happy chatting!