
Cloudera Big Data Cluster Installation and Configuration with CDH4 Support

Primary LanguageRuby

Cloudera cookbook

Installs and configures Cloudera Hadoop + Hive + HBase + Thrift. Installs either CDH3u3 or CDH4u2 (with trivial changes required to support other minor revisions of CDH3 or CDH4).


  • Chef 10
  • Redhat/CentOS

Installation Instructions

Prerequisites: Prepping Nodes for HBase

The HBase cluster needs good mappings from hostnames to IP addresses. Setup DNS or, worst case, do something like this (where 101..107 are the final octets of your IP addresses of your HBase machines):

# c=1
# for i in 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 ; do \
    echo "10.0.0.$i            hbase-00$c" ; \
    c=$[ $c + 1 ] ; \
  done >> /etc/hosts

Here's an example for a four-drive system. If the four hard drives aren't mounted, you need to fdisk, mkfs, and mount them, then put the mounts into /etc/fstab.

# c=1
# for i in b c d ; do \
    fdisk /dev/sd$i ; \
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sd${i}1 ; \
    mkdir -p /mnt/disk${c} ; \
    mount /dev/sd${i}1 /mnt/disk${c} ; \
    c=$[ $c + 1 ] ; \

# echo "
/dev/sdb1		/mnt/disk1		ext4	defaults	0 0
/dev/sdc1		/mnt/disk2		ext4	defaults	0 0
/dev/sdd1		/mnt/disk3		ext4	defaults	0 0" >> /etc/fstab

You may wish to make a directory /mnt/disk4 that is just a plain directory on / if you want to use / as well (for ease of configuration of HBase):

mkdir /mnt/disk4

The Cookbook should be named "cloudera." If you name it anything else, recipes will die with error as they hardcode "cloudera" in several places. If you want to change the name, search for "include_recipe" in .rb files, and change instances of "cloudera" to whatever you would like it to be. Now upload your cookbook to the Chef server:

# knife cookbook upload cloudera

First bootstrap the 7 nodes. Call them hbase-001, hbase-002... If you want the rest of these instructions to work without alteration. Here is some pseudocode, but you have to do it manually (or write your own code) since your IP addresses and node names could be anything.

# c=1
# for i in 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 ; do \
    knife bootstrap 10.0.0.$i --node-name hbase-00$c --server-url ; \
    c=$[ $c + 1 ] ; \

We need Java on every node. Oracle makes this extremely difficult to do non-interactively via Chef, so make it part of your base image, or do it manually.

Download Java JRE 6 from Oracle, and when you finally have the bin file in your possession, copy it out to all nodes, run it, and move the resultant directory to /usr/java:

# chmod 755 jre-6u35-linux-x64.bin
# ./jre-6u35-linux-x64.bin
# mkdir -p /usr/java
# mv jre1.6.0_35 /usr/java/
# ln -sf /usr/java/jre1.6.0_35 /usr/java/default
# alternatives --install /etc/alternatives/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 10 
# ln -sf /etc/alternatives/java /usr/local/bin/java

Ensure ntp is setup properly, and make sure all nodes have the same date/time. Issue this on all nodes if the date/time is broken:

# ntpdate 0.centos.pool.ntp.org <--or whatever NTP server you prefer

Cheffery of the Nodes

Give them roles. First, we'll do the "master" node. I'm putting HMaster and NameNode and JobTracker all on hbase-001. Not precisely how we want for production. A typical production geometry requires NameNode, JobTracker, SecondaryNameNode to all be on their own servers.

# for i in hadoop_namenode hadoop_jobtracker hbase_master hbase_thrift ; do \
    knife node run_list add hbase-001 recipe[cloudera::$i] ; \

Next, do the "slave" nodes. Put DataNode, TaskTracker, and RegionServer onto each.

# for i in hadoop_datanode hadoop_tasktracker hbase_regionserver ; do \
    for j in 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; do \
      knife node run_list add hbase-00$j recipe[cloudera::$i] ; \
    done ; \

Edit attributes/default.rb and give it a thorough once-over. The things most-likely requiring change are at the top of the file, but please spend 5-20 minutes with this file to make sure you at least have a basic understanding of it. It will form the core of your distributed database cluster.

You will need to define your NameNode and JobTracker and Ganglia IP addresses (do not worry about Ganglia if you have no gmonds running in your setup) and may need to make changes depending on whether you chose CDH3 or CDH4 as your Cloudera distribution.

Do "chef-client" on all your roles. Do it several times, since things always seem to fail somewhere once or twice. Or read the outputs on every node carefully to be sure stuff is working (running several times seems to be the time-wise thing to do).

If you get the error as follows:

File exists - /etc/hadoop-0.20/conf

The solution is to remove the symlink that's there. Here's the symlink rm command and subsequent chef-client run which should then work.

# rm -rf /etc/hadoop-0.20/conf
# chef-client

If this continues to be a problem, I'll write removing the symlink into the recipe itself.

Post-Chef Manual Steps

Once it's done running, you still won't have a running cluster. NameNode hasn't been formatted, so it won't start, and so DataNodes won't start, etc. All of these steps are candidates for being added into Chef Recipes. I've done this in the past in other Cookbooks, but in the interest of time, I've not done it yet for this Cookbook.

On your NameNode, issue:

# su - hdfs
$ hadoop namenode -format

It will ask you if you're sure. Use an uppercase Y. If you use a lowercase Y it'll just say "format aborted" in a way that makes you think it's erroring, but it's just refusing to continue without an uppercase Y.

12/10/24 18:24:00 INFO namenode.NameNode: STARTUP_MSG: 
STARTUP_MSG: Starting NameNode
STARTUP_MSG:   host = hbase136/
STARTUP_MSG:   args = [-format]
STARTUP_MSG:   version = 0.20.2-cdh3u3
STARTUP_MSG:   build = file:///data/1/tmp/topdir/BUILD/hadoop-0.20.2-cdh3u3 -r 318bc781117fa276ae81a3d111f5eeba0020634f; compiled by 'root' on Tue Mar 20 13:46:57 PDT 2012
Re-format filesystem in /var/lib/hadoop/namedir ? (Y or N) Y
Re-format filesystem in /disk1/hadoop/namedir ? (Y or N) Y
Re-format filesystem in /disk2/hadoop/namedir ? (Y or N) Y
Re-format filesystem in /disk3/hadoop/namedir ? (Y or N) Y

After that, the NameNode is formatted. Now create the "hbase" directory inside HDFS for HBase, and "/user/mapred" for JobTracker:

# su - hdfs
$ hadoop fs -mkdir /hbase
$ hadoop fs -chown hbase:hbase /hbase
$ hadoop fs -mkdir /user/mapred
$ hadoop fs -chown mapred:mapred /user/mapred

If you get an error about an inability to chown the directory, pay careful attention to the "namenode format" output above. Did it actually format it properly? Is it storing its data in /tmp? If Chef hasn't completed the configuration of NameNode, it may be misconfigured and be using the filesystem, not HDFS.

Another source of errors is that NameNode hasn't started yet, due to some error or another. Troubleshoot and fix those errors and repeat these steps.

The Zookeeper Ensemble

You must also manually set up the Zookeeper ensemble. This is also a strong candidate for being incorporated into a recipe. The Cookbook detailed herein will install the Zookeeper software on all nodes, but you must edit the configuration so HBase can use it. This Cookbook assumes an independent Zookeeper not controlled by HBase. Patches to allow for either with a simple configuration option are welcome.

Make sure they listen on 2181 (or, if you change it, change it in the attributes/default.rb as well!).

# cat /etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg

Each node needs a unique integer in the file /var/zookeeper/myid. The integer from "server.N" must correspond to the myid created on each node. I recommend using the final octet of the IP address for the integers. The following command will take care of the "myid" portion for servers using the "10" non-routable IP address block (modify appropriately for 192 and 172 etc). Run it on all your Zookeeper servers.

# ifconfig | grep addr:10 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F . '{print $4}' > /var/zookeeper/myid

And now start the zookeeper server on every node of the ensemble:

# zookeeper-server start

If Zookeeper fails to start, saying you need to initialise the system, be sure your zoo.cfg dataDir is actually /var/zookeeper as noted herein (as opposed to, for example, /var/lib/zookeeper). You should not need to initialise Zookeeper.

In the interest of saving you time, note that it appears to be harmless to put the config above on ALL nodes, whether or not they participate in the Zookeeper ensemble, and do a "zookeeper-server start" on all nodes as well. I am not yet certain if this has negative consequences, but it appears harmless. Any advice on this topic welcome on the mailing list.

Starting the Cluster

Note that CDH4 documentation (and perhaps others?) indicate you should not run /etc/init.d scripts directly, but instead should use the "service" command. Feel free to do whichever leads to more stability and uptime in your cluster.

Assuming Chef starts all the proper roles (it never seems to succeed for me), you can start them by having ClusterSSH (or equivalent) and run this on all your nodes:

# zookeeper-server start
# for i in `ls -1 /etc/init.d/hadoop-* | grep -v hbase` ; do $i start ; done
# for i in `ls -1 /etc/init.d/hadoop-* | grep hbase` ; do $i start ; done

One would hope simply running "chef-client" would start all the roles. If it does, then great! If not... the above helps things along a bit.

Operational Runbooks

If you need to stop/start everything, run the following on EVERY HBase/HDFS node in the cluster:

# for i in `ls -1 /etc/init.d/hadoop-* | grep hbase` ; do $i stop ; done
# for i in `ls -1 /etc/init.d/hadoop-* | grep -v hbase` ; do $i stop ; done
# zookeeper-server stop
   [...do your stuff...]
# zookeeper-server start
# for i in `ls -1 /etc/init.d/hadoop-* | grep -v hbase` ; do $i start ; done
# for i in `ls -1 /etc/init.d/hadoop-* | grep hbase` ; do $i start ; done

I'm pretty sure Chef will periodically ensure things are up, so be sure chef-client isn't on cron during the "do your stuff" part.

If you need to add a node to the Zookeeper ensemble, edit /etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg on all of them, do the right thing, and remember to put an integer into the file /var/zookeeper/myid.

If you need to change any ports (RegionServer, NameNode, HMaster, etc) make the changes in chef, and do a "chef-client." The configurations will be up-to-date, but you still must bounce the daemons. Stop/Start everything as noted above.

License and Authors

Author:: Cliff Erson (cerson@me.com)

Author:: Jamie Winsor (jamie@vialstudios.com)

Author:: Istvan Szukacs (istvan.szukacs@gmail.com)

Author:: Tim Ellis (timelessness+palomino@gmail.com)

Author:: Gourav Shah (gs@initcron.org) Copyright 2012, Riot Games, Tim Ellis, PalominoDB Copyright 2012, Gourav Shah, Initcron Copyright 2013, Gourav Shah, Initcron

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.