Dev Artifacts

Initial Setup

Extract and copy the contents of the to the root of your project

  1. Run npm install
    You have to have npm installed on your machine for that to work
    A new node_modules will be added with dev tool dependencies.
    That folder is ignored already by .gitignore
  2. Run sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/sfdx-scanner
  3. Run git init Will initialize a local git repository for you
  4. Run git add .
  5. Run git commit -am “Initial commit"


  • Check the “scripts” section of package.json for npm aliases
  • To run a command using npm, issue “npm run ”
  • Use git to branch and handle parallel development
  • You can stash, merge, commit, etc. like normal
  • You do not push to a remote
  • Handy to do a pull from org and commit to see what has changed by others
  • Use pmd “npm run pmd:report” to generate the csv

Notes/Agenda from the Dev Weekly Checkin

  1. npm "npm install"
    npm install
    npm install -g shane-sfdx-plugins
    sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/sfdx-scanner

  2. git "git init"
    optionally branch like you normally would to isolate your changes
    compare files
    compare directories
    sync down from team org before ever change
    git hooks to autoformat

  3. pmd "npm run pmd:report"
    Run from IDE (Analyze)
    Run from command line "npm run pmd"
    Run from CLI and report "npm run pmd:report"
    Use excel