
A bit of tinkering with React, Go and CDK for AWS integrated with GitHub

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This repo is a test project to try and demonstrate the following:

  • React (TypeScript) frontend
    • Served from an S3 bucket via CloudFront
    • TODO - Make GET / POST interactions against the Go backend
    • TODO - Make WebSocket interactions with the Go backend
    • TODO - Support a login flow
  • Go backend
    • Deployed as a Lambda via an ALB via CloudFront
    • TODO - Handle GET / POST interactions from the React backend
    • TODO - Handle WebSocket interactions from the React backend
    • TODO - Make interactions against the data store
    • TODO - Honour a login flow
  • CDK (TypeScript) to deploy to AWS
    • With a focus on ease of creating alternate environments (e.g. dev, staging, prod)
    • TODO - Deploy a data store of some sort
  • GitHub Actions to trigger everything
    • A release tag triggers a prod deployment
    • A commit to the master branch triggers a staging deployment
    • A commit to any other branch triggers a dev deployment


Ensure you've installed these (versions are just what I'm using):

  • go 1.19.7
  • node v18.16.0
  • npm 9.5.1
  • tsc 5.0.4
  • jq jq-1.6
  • aws-cli 2.11.17
  • act 0.2.45

And ensure you have your ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials files set up- though if you'd prefer not to rely on the AWS CLI, you can use these environment variables:

export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID="your account ID"
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your access key ID"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your secret access key"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="your default region"



cd frontend
npm ci

cd ../backend
go mod download

cd ../cdk
npm ci
npm install -g aws-cdk@2.78.0






ENVIRONMENT="dev-${USER}" ./deploy.sh


ENVIRONMENT="dev-${USER}" ./destroy.sh

Note: Implies ENVIRONMENT=dev-${USER}


Assuming you've already deployed, you can dump out the relevant URLs like so:

cat cdk/outputs.json | jq
  "devGitHubCdkTesting": {
    "cdnDistributiondistributionDomainName": "0123456789abcd.cloudfront.net",
    "contentBucketbucketDomainName": "devgithubcdktesting-contentbucket01234567-890abcdef012.s3.amazonaws.com",
    "albloadBalancerDnsName": "devGi-alb0A-BCDEFGHIJKLM-012345678.ap-southeast-2.elb.amazonaws.com"

The S3 bucket for content is public so you can hit the content directly like this (HTTP or HTTPS):

curl -L https://devgithubcdktesting-contentbucket01234567-890abcdef012.s3.amazonaws.com/frontend/index.html

The ALB is also public so you can hit the root endpoint directly like this (HTTP only):

curl -L http://devGi-alb0A-BCDEFGHIJKLM-012345678.ap-southeast-2.elb.amazonaws.com/api/

Finally you can hit both in an optimised way via the CloudFront distribution like this (HTTP or HTTPS):

# will redirect to index.html
curl -L https://0123456789abcd.cloudfront.net/

# will be cached by URL because it's a GET
curl -L https://0123456789abcd.cloudfront.net/api/

# will not be cached because it's a POST
curl -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"hello": "world"}' https://0123456789abcd.cloudfront.net/api/

Further info


Usage of the ENVIRONMENT env var controls the environment you're deploying to- literally all it does is change the prefix on the stack ID (which results in a completely separate stack).

So if you were to run this:

ENVIRONMENT="pr1234" ./deploy.sh

Your stack ID would be pr1234EnvironmentGitHubCdkTesting.

This feature is used in the GitHub Actions definitions to deploy to different environments based on the branch or tag; e.g.:

  • Commits to master branch result in a deployment to the staging environment
  • Commits with a v*.*.* tag pattern result in a deployment to the prod environment

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is hard to debug, fortunately we can use act to execute our workflows locally using Docker.

To use this via the wrapper script (note: this will attempt a deploy to the ${USER}Dev environment):
