
Testing out encore.dev with Slack and ChatGPT

Primary LanguageGo


This is just me playing with encore.dev and OpenAI to see if I can make a chatbot that knows about my workplace.


  • Use encore.dev's database stuff to track conversations per Slack user so they can have the expected ChatGPT-style conversation (rather than single messages)
  • Try to find a way to provide some sort of data about something particular to my workplace as context to the bot
    • e.g. "Hey, what's the IP address for the TeamCity server?"

The good

  • It's easy to spin up and get going
  • The local dev environment saves you writing bespoke tooling to test your code locally
    • And it seems to work for all aspects of the encore.dev offering (APIs, Pub/Sub, Databases etc)
  • The managed CI/CD saves you running and maintaining a CI system
  • The secrets management is nice and easy to use (which will promote its usage)
  • The "migrate away" enablement is good; if you got into trouble you could eject your apps as a containers and straight up run them in ECS on a dedicated EC2 host while you figured out how to decouple everything

The bad

  • It's prescriptive and opaque
  • It needs pretty open access to your AWS account to do its thing
  • It's pretty slow to respond to requests
  • If you need to deviate from it's (limited) offering, it's not clear how you'd couple non-encore.dev resources to encore.dev resources
    • e.g. Maybe I want a single Lambda in front of it all that fires back an empty 200 for any request and I'm willing to pay to keep that Lambda hot
  • Any change to the watched repo causes a deployment, so either you run a monorepo app to make it easy to reuse code and any minor change to a single endpoint causes a rollout to all endpoints, or you fragment your code into multiple repos / apps and have to manage the dependencies between them