
Webhooks Listener & Slack Notifier

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Commitizen friendly jest

Webhooks Listener API

Webhooks Listener & Slack Notifier

GitLab Integration

To create an integration you need to add the following values into the repositories config file:

  • Repository name you want to enable
  • Slack Channel in which you want to receive the notifications

Hook Configuration

  1. On your GitLab project go to Settings -> Integrations

  2. Put the following URL, replacing {repoName} with your project name:

  3. Check the events you want to send to your Slack channel (defined on the Pre-requisite section)

    • Available events can be found at:
    /GET https://this.api.domain/webhooks/gitlab
  4. Click the Add webhook button

API development

Getting Started

Clone this repo

~$ git clone git@github.com:iniva/webhooks-listener-api.git

Running the project from your Host machine

To use your machine to run everything you will need:

  • Node Dubnium. Using nvm is easy and recommended
  • Mac
    • Run brew install nvm
  • Ubuntu
    • For the latest version check nvm releases
    • curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
      source ~/.profile
  • Both Platforms
    • Run nvm install lts/dubnium --latest-npm to install the current LTS version of Node. Also, attempt to install the latest npm version
    • Run nvm use lts/dubnium to set Node to use this version
    • Run yarn install to install the project dependencies
    • Run yarn start:dev to start the API see below for more options
    • By default the API will listen to

Available commands

yarn start:[environment]

Start API server in environment mode listening on port 8091

  • Environments:
    • dev
    • prod

yarn clean

Remove build files

yarn build

Generate build files (dist folder)

yarn test

Run the test suites

yarn lint

Run lint tool

yarn commit

Helps you make commit messages using the project standardized format