
Keyboard shortcuts for Ember applications

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember Shortcuts


keymaster. This library could not exists without it, and is, in fact, an adaptation of it that integrates cleanly with Ember.


Get the code:

bower install ember-shortcuts

Include it on your page somewhere after ember.js.


In any route:

  shortcuts: {
    'shift+a': 'someAction'

  actions: {
    someAction: function() {

Like actions, shortcuts get dispatch bottom-up through the currently active routes.

Unlike actions, the shortcut handling does not bubble. In the example above, if a child of that route defined a shift+a: 'otherAction' handler and was active when the shortcut was pressed, the action otherAction would get sent instead of someAction.


Ember.Shortcuts, once includes, is available to you as an injected singleton on your controllers and routes as the shortcuts property.

this.shortcuts.disable this.shortcuts.enable

Call this to toggle whether or not the global keyboard shortcut handlers will fire.