
Syntax coloring for FitNesse Wiki Pages

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2651

fitnesse.vim is a syntax file (and eventually some filetype specific functions) 
for editing FitNesse tests using Vim.  It was created to make it easier to work
with FitNesse files.  It works great in conjunction with "It's All Text" a 
plugin for FireFox (found at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4125). 

FitNesse is a collaborative testing tool that uses Wiki markup to create test 
scripts as web pages.  See http://fitnesse.org for more information.

Syntax coloring supports:
      * Numerous keywords in Slim and FitNesse are supported:
         scenario, script, Query:, start, check, reject, show, Comment, comment, 
         !see, !include, !See, null, !define, !include
      * Simple collapsible sections (with folding enabled)  !** *!, !**> *!
      * Table cell delimiter "|"
      * Cell contents
      * Incomplete cell is error
      * !style_(class) 
      * Strings in Quotes
      * Scenario variables @parametername
      * Symbols $symbolname
      * Simple WikiWord support