
Ask the user how a :drop'ped file be opened.

Primary LanguageVim Script


by Ingo Karkat


This plugin ...


(Original Vim tip, Stack Overflow answer, ...)


(Plugins offering complementary functionality, or plugins using this library.)


  • tcmdbar.vim (vimscript #1779) is a script for use with Total Commander's button bar by Andy Wokula


:Drop[!] [++opt] [+cmd] {file} ...
                        Automatically locate the visible {file}, use an empty
                        window for it, or ask where to open {file}. With [!],
                        always ask.
:{range}Drop[!] [++opt] [+cmd] [{glob} ...]
                        Treat each line in {range} (stripped of leading and
                        trailing whitespace) as a filespec / glob and ask
                        where to open those. {glob} can be used to optionally
                        filter the list.
:Drop[!] [++opt] [+cmd] {reg}
                        Treat each line in {reg} (stripped of leading and
                        trailing whitespace) as a filespec / glob and ask
                        where to open those.

:[N]BufDrop[!] [N]      Automatically locate the visible buffer [N] / for
:BufDrop[!] {bufname}   {bufname}, use an empty window for it, or ask where to
                        open it. With [!], or when the current buffer is
                        specified, always ask.


The code is hosted in a Git repo at https://github.com/inkarkat/vim-DropQuery You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable development snapshot on "master".

This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip" decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise, decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.

vim DropQuery*.vmb.gz
:so %

To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.


  • Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
  • Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.045 or higher.


For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:

By default, the plugins remaps the built-in :drop command to use :Drop instead. With this option, other integrations (e.g. VisVim) need not be modified to use the DropQuery functionality. To turn this off, use:

let g:DropQuery_RemapDrop = 0

The plugin uses a pop-up dialog in GVIM for the query. To use a textual query (as is done in the console Vim) instead, use:

let g:DropQuery_NoPopup = 'default value'

This does not cover the :confirm query "Save changes to...?" when abandoning modified buffers.

To exempt certain windows from being the base window for the offered drop actions, and therefore move away from them before querying for a drop action, you can define predicate expressions or Funcrefs to characterize such windows in the following List:

let g:DropQuery_MoveAwayPredicates = ["&filetype == 'scratch'"]

This is useful if you have any plugins that create vertical sidebars (e.g. Tagbar), so you want to move to the (horizontally split) main window(s) first.

If no other window is available, a window that is covered by the predicate can still be used as the base for dropping. The following configuration offers a mandatory exemption instead. (This can be combined with the above, to try to move away but if it fails still not offer the window.)

To exempt certain windows from being offered as targets for direct dropping ("Edit" / "View"), you can define predicate expressions or Funcrefs to characterize such windows in the following List:

let g:DropQuery_ExemptPredicates = ['&buftype ==# "terminal"']

By default, the plugin does not offer use of |terminal-window|s, assuming you don't want to replace a running session with an opened file.

If you want to process individual filespecs passed to :Drop, you can hook in a processor function that takes a single filespec (or file glob), and returns this changed or unchanged:

function! MyFilespecProcessor( filespec )
    " Create virtual X drive mapping to C:\Windows.
    return substitute(a:filespec, '^X:', 'C:\Windows', '')
let g:DropQuery_FilespecProcessor = function('MyFilespecProcessor')

If you want to skip the querying for certain filespecs, you can define automatic actions, either as Funcrefs that take a List of filespecs and return [dropAction, dropAttributes] (or an empty List to do the querying, or throwing an exception to abort), or [glob, dropAction, dropAttributes] Lists that activate when all filespec(s) match the glob:

function! MyAutoAction( files )
    return (len(a:files) == 1 && fnamemodify(a:files[0], ':e') ==# 'txt'
    \   ? ['tabnr', {'tabnr': 1}]
    \   : []
let g:DropQuery_AutoActions = [
\   ['*.vim', 'split', {}],
\   function('MyAutoAction')

If you want to set the proposed default action for certain filespecs, you can define automatic defaults, either as Funcrefs that take a List of filespecs and return the default (or an empty String), or [glob, default] Lists that activate when all filespec(s) match the glob:

function! MyAutoDefault( files )
    return (len(a:files) == 1 && fnamemodify(a:files[0], ':e') ==# 'md'
    \   ? 'window...'
    \   : ''
let g:DropQuery_AutoDefaults = [
\   ['.vimrc', 'vsplit'],
\   function('MyAutoDefault')


Report any bugs, send patches, or suggest features via the issue tracker at https://github.com/inkarkat/vim-DropQuery/issues or email (address below).



First published version.

0.01 23-May-2005
  • Started development.

Copyright: (C) 2005-2022 Ingo Karkat - The VIM LICENSE applies to this plugin.

Maintainer: Ingo Karkat <ingo@karkat.de>