This plugin enables folding by section headings in markdown documents.
This plugin adds the ability to fold the following markdown elements:
- Headings and everything under them
- Fenced code blocks
By default this plugin will use "Stacked" folding which looks like this when everything is folded.
1 ## Topmost heading [3 lines]---------------------------
5 ### Second level heading [3 lines]---------------------------
9 #### Third level heading [3 lines]---------------------------
13 #### Another third level heading [2 lines]---------------------------
You can use "Nested" folding, where folding the "Topmost heading" will also nest all the deeper sections under it.
1 ## Topmost heading [14 lines]--------------------------
To toggle between the two folding styles use :FoldToggle
If you'd like to have it default to "Nested" folding add this to your ~/.vim/filetype.vim
autocmd FileType markdown set foldexpr=NestedMarkdownFolds()
After installing markdown-folding
using a Vim package manager ( vim-plug, pathogen, Vundle, or Vim 8's native plugin system ). You will need to add the following lines to your ~/.vimrc
file or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
for NeoVim:
set nocompatible
if has("autocmd")
filetype plugin indent on
The markdown-folding
plugin provides nothing more than a foldexpr
for markdown files. If you want syntax highlighting and other niceties, then go and get tpope's vim-markdown plugin.
First, Vim must recognize the file you are in as a Markdown file. set filetype?
should return filetype=markdown
. If it doesn't you may want to tweak your
to make sure it knows to associate your current file extension
with Markdown. In the short term you can :set filetype=markdown
There are a variety of ways Vim can be instructed to "fold" things. When you add
a plugin to support a new language / format the plugin will tell Vim "Hey here's
the method to use for figuring out the start and end of a fold with this language".
This plugin uses a foldmethod
. Running :set foldmethod?
should return
. If you see something else then you've likely got some other
Vim configuration overriding the setting in the plugin. If, after running
:set foldmethod=expr
, things still aren't working, then something is most likely
amiss in your ~/.vimrc
(or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
if you use NeoVim).
Created by Drew Neil. Copyright Drew Niel and all the contributors.
Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license
With community improvements by:
Maintained by masukomi