
Example of a SEO friendly, performance focused website built getting data from a GraphQL query.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Performance Website

Example of a SEO friendly, performance focused website built getting data from a GraphQL query.

example workflow License: MIT


Technologies Used




Architecture and Directories

This section provides an in-depth overview of the structural design and organization of this codebase. It outlines the directories that make up the app's architecture, helping developers understand how the project is structured.

├── .github
│   ├── workflows: Github Actions workflows
├── public: Public HTML, images, and other assets that are served as-is by the web server
├── src
│   ├── components: React components used throughout the website
│   ├── graphql: GraphQL-related code, such as queries, mutations, or schema definitions
│   ├── lib: Functions or code that is used across different parts of the website
│   ├── pages: Contains all pages of the app, with each file representing a route
│   ├── styles: Store CSS or stylesheets
|── .eslintrc.json: ESLint project configuration.
|── .gitignore: Specifies files to Git ignore
├── package.json: File that manages all the dependecies and contains script definitions.
|── next.config.ts: Next configuration.
|── tsconfig.json: TS configuration.

Local Configuration

After cloning the project, enter in the project root and run the following command:

$ npm run setup
  • By default the application will be started at port 3000.

Possible Improvements

A system is never perfect and there is always room for improvement. Here are some points that I would like to enhance if I had more time:

  • Improve mobile performance


Phillipe Martins
Phillipe Martins

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details