
Some simple tools for everyday-stuff.

Primary LanguagePython

Some simple tools for everyday-stuff.
Some ar Gtk-based, some are for terminal.

Everything is independed of another, feel free to cherrypick. Also everything is tiny so be shure to check the sourccode for customizations.


Just the Gtk3 colorpicker (but preset to the color in clipboard). Picked color will be written to stdout and clipboard (and primary). Needs xclip.


Show ANSI-Colors in terminal.

usage: colorterminal.py [ 16 | 256 | rgb | all ]

default is 16


A simple GUI JSON-Viewer (Gtk). Accepts files and stdin.


A shellscript wrapping fzf and some other tools for very convenient navigation in various filelists.

Eg. fd -i 'filename' | preview or locate -i 'filename' | preview


Search for packages with pacman.

Show results in an interactive list, allowing for installation.

Other output options are available (JSON, CSV).


Screenruler with basic measurement-capabilities


Display text as a nice banner in terminal.

usage: schild.py [-h] [-b {single,double,thick,underline,narrow,ascii,slashes,slashstar,octothorpe,none}]
                 [-c {cyan,green,red,cyan256,oran256,blue256,grey256,none}] [-d] [-l] [-o]

Pipe some text into this program to make a fancy sign.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b {single,double,thick,underline,narrow,ascii,slashes,slashstar,octothorpe,none}, --border {single,double,thick,underline,narrow,ascii,slashes,slashstar,octothorpe,none}
                        Use a different border
  -c {cyan,green,red,cyan256,oran256,blue256,grey256,none}, --color {cyan,green,red,cyan256,oran256,blue256,grey256,none}
                        Use a different color
  -d, --demo            Show all borders and colors
  -l, --left            Align left (do not center)
  -o, --outer           large sign: border as wide as the screen


Preview all font-files in current directory (or directory given as parameter)


Needs zsh and expect.

Interactive alternative to shell builtin »watch« with a nicer interface, allowing for instant interval changes. It also handles complex commands a bit better. e.g.:

./watch.sh 'ls -l | tac'
 usage [options] command

  -b           beep if command has a non-zero exit
  -e           exit if command has a non-zero exit
  -n <secs>    seconds to wait between updates
  -h           display this help and exit


Just a window with a WebView (for your WebApp needs)

usage: webkit.py [-h] [-n] [-t TITLE] [-g GEOMETRY] [-i ICON] [-j JAVASCRIPT] [-c CSS] [URL]

positional arguments:
  URL                   URL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --no-escape       Do not Exit on Escape
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Window title. Defaults to URL.
  -g GEOMETRY, --geometry GEOMETRY
                        Window geometry. <Width>x<Height>[+<x+y|center>]
  -i ICON, --icon ICON  Set icon from imagefile
  -j JAVASCRIPT, --javascript JAVASCRIPT
                        Start some javascript after loading. May be a long string containing JS or a filename.
  -c CSS, --css CSS     Apply user-css. May be a long string containing CSS or a filename.

"-" as a filename for -j for -c won't work. (But each file is read only once, so you can use named pipes or fifos) Files are autodetected first, so if you start e.g.:

./webkit.py -j 'document.querySelectorAll(".footer").forEach(x=>x.style.display="none")' 'https://www.wikipedia.org'

and happen to have a file called document.querySelectorAll(".footer").forEach(x=>x.style.display="none") in the current directory, the file is loaded (otherwise the JS will be execute as expected).

This also means that missing files are ignored silently (interpreted as JS/CSS which will probably fail).

Here is the same result for -c (just for the sake of this example):

./webkit.py -c '.footer{display:none}' 'https://www.wikipedia.org'

Use CSS to customize pages whenever you can. Custom JS tends to slow down startup/loading and is also applied only once on initial loading, not for any subsequent page-loads (clicking on a link or something). Custom CSS is applied to every page.


A simple shellscript for starting X11 without startx and xinit, based on https://github.com/Earnestly/sx Launches $HOME/.xinitrc or any given script (given as 1. parameter).