- Big o Cheatsheet - Data structures and Algorithms with thier complexities | HackerEarth
- [The new edge]: python Algorithms and Data Structures
- Algorithms repository on github
- Upper Bound runtime complexity of an algorithm (Big-Oh notation)
- Strict Upper Bound runtime complexity of an algorithm (Little-Oh notation)
- Average Bound runtime complexity of an algorithm (theta notation)
- Strict Lower Bound runtime complexity of an algorithm (Little-Omega notation)
- Lower Bound runtime complexity of an algorithm (Big-Omega notation)
- constant time cmplexity
- Linear time complexity
- Logarithmic time complexity
- Quadratic time complexity
- Exponential time complexity
reference :
Towards data science
Difference between Linear and Hierarchical datastructures
non linear datastructures
Linear data structure
Hierarchical(Non-Linear) data structure
Homogenous data structure
Heterogenous data structure
Array (Static sized array)
Vector (Dynamic sized array)
arrays are sometimes refered to as lists
elements stored in contiguous memory cells
homogenous data elements
linear datastructure
can be indexed
once created, cannot be resized and must be coppied to new (bigger sized) array, element wise in order to insert new elements
operation that can be performed on arrays:
Single Linked List (forward traversing)
Double Linked List (didirectional traversing)
Circular Linked List
Priority Queue
Binary Search Tree
AVL Tree / Hight Balanced Binary Tree
Ternary Search Tree / n-ary Search Tree
Breadth First Tree
Depth first Tree
Spanning Tree
Minimum / Maximum Spanning Tree
Red Black Tree
Splay Tree
Radix Tree (Trie)
Suffix Tree
Huffman Tree
B- Tree
B+ Tree
Binary Tree
R Tree
Counted B Tree
K-D Tree
Decission Tree
Markel Tree
Fenwick Tree
Range Tree
ab tree
Quad Tree
Adjacency Matrix
Incidence Matrix
Adjacency List
aka HashTable, HashMap, Dictionaries, Lookup Tables, Assosiative Arrays.
Map (ordered)
MultiMap (unordered)
Set (ordered list)
MultiSet (unordered list)
Sparse Matrices