
The standard ui project for logicmonitor based B2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

logicmonitor standard UI project template

The standard ui project for logicmonitor based B2 framework

To run, just start a http-server(serve staic files) in the project directory, For example, we can use the http-server

$ npm install -g http-server
$ cd logicmonitor
$ http-server

For javascript Developer

Make sure you have node.js installed Then run following commands:

npm install -g grunt-cli
cd logicmonitor
npm install

For CSS Developer

We use Compass to pre compile the css, and our css source files are written use scss/sass, you can install the CSS development environment by following steps

  1. Make sure the Ruby is installed, you can use RVM to manage ruby versions
$ \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
  1. Install the bundler
$ gem install bundler
  1. Go to project directory, run following command to install all tools we need to develop the css
$ bundle

grunt commands

  grunt    // the default command is used to release the distribution package
  grunt debug   // this command is used in debug mode(developement stage), run this command when you have html template files added, removed
  grunt clean   // clean the temporay files generated by grunt debug or grunt
  grunt watch   // watch the file changes, and generate the necessary files