
Repository for Study propuse MIT License

Primary LanguageJava

Data Structures and algorithms in Java

This is a repository that contains java algorithms and data structures. This project aims to learn, your contribution is welcome, whether it is correction of some poorly written code or something related.

Available topics and functions


  • recursivePrintNumbers(int number);
  • factorial(int number);
  • fibonacci(int number);
  • sumOfDigit(int number);
  • power(int number, int power);
  • greaterCommuneDivisor(int aNumber, int bNumber);
  • intToBinary(int number);
  • reverseString(String reversibleString);


  • sortArrayAsc(int... array);
  • sortArrayAsc(String... array);
  • averageValue(int ...array);
  • contains(int value, int... array);
  • indexOf(int value, int ...array);
  • removeValueAtIndex(int index,int ... array);
  • isSubArray(int[] subArray,int ...array);
  • sumUniqueNumbers(int ...array);
  • isUniqueOnArray(int value,int ...array);

Linked Lists


  • insert(int element); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • getFirst(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst-case O(1)]
  • getLast(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(1)]
  • length(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(1)]
  • toString(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • insertHead(int element); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(1)]
  • insertAt(int index,int element); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • toArray(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]


  • insertEnd(int element); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • getLength(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(1)]
  • toString(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • insertHead(int element); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(1)]
  • insertAt(int index,int element); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • deleteAt(int index); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • updateAt(int index); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]
  • toArray(); Time complexity = [Best case - O(1) Worst case O(n)]



Author Nelson Alexandre Mutane