
Golang app to read records from a set of kafka topics and write them to an elasticsearch cluster

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Kafka elasticsearch injector


Application responsible for loading kafka topics into elasticsearch. Some use cases:

  • Using elasticsearch as a debugging tool to monitor data activity in kafka topics
  • Using elasticsearch + kibana as an analytics tool
  • Easily integrating applications with elasticsearch


To create new injectors for your topics, you should create a new kubernetes deployment with your configurations.

Configuration variables

  • SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL Schema registry url port and protocol. REQUIRED
  • KAFKA_TOPICS Comma separated list of Kafka topics to subscribe REQUIRED
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_GROUP Consumer group id, should be unique across the cluster. Please be careful with this variable REQUIRED
  • ELASTICSEARCH_HOST Elasticsearch url with port and protocol. REQUIRED
  • ES_INDEX Elasticsearch index to write records to (actual index is followed by the record's timestamp to avoid very large indexes). Defaults to topic name. OPTIONAL
  • ES_INDEX_PREFIX Prefix that will be added to every Elasticsearch index. Defaults to an empty string. OPTIONAL
  • PROBES_PORT Kubernetes probes port. Set to any available port. REQUIRED
  • K8S_LIVENESS_ROUTE Kubernetes route for liveness check. REQUIRED
  • K8S_READINESS_ROUTEKubernetes route for readiness check. REQUIRED
  • ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME scheme to be used when connecting to Elasticsearch (http or https). Defaults to http. OPTIONAL
  • ELASTICSEARCH_IGNORE_CERT if set to "true", ignores certificates when connecting to a secure Elasticsearch cluster. Defaults to false. OPTIONAL
  • ELASTICSEARCH_DISABLE_SNIFFING if set to "true", the client will not sniff Elasticsearch nodes during the node discovery process. Defaults to false. OPTIONAL
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_CONCURRENCY Number of parallel goroutines working as a consumer. Default value is 1 OPTIONAL
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_BATCH_SIZE Number of records to accumulate before sending them to Elasticsearch (for each goroutine). Default value is 100 OPTIONAL
  • ES_INDEX_COLUMN Record field to append to index name. Ex: to create one ES index per campaign, use "campaign_id" here OPTIONAL
  • ES_BLACKLISTED_COLUMNS Comma separated list of record fields to filter before sending to Elasticsearch. Defaults to empty string. OPTIONAL
  • ES_DOC_ID_COLUMN Record field to be the document ID of Elasticsearch. Defaults to "kafkaRecordPartition:kafkaRecordOffset". OPTIONAL
  • LOG_LEVEL Determines the log level for the app. Should be set to DEBUG, WARN, NONE or INFO. Defaults to INFO. OPTIONAL
  • METRICS_PORT Port to export app metrics REQUIRED
  • ES_BULK_TIMEOUT Timeout for Elasticsearch bulk writes in the format of golang's time.ParseDuration. Default value is 1s OPTIONAL
  • ES_BULK_BACKOFF Constant backoff when Elasticsearch is overloaded. in the format of golang's time.ParseDuration. Default value is 1s OPTIONAL
  • ES_TIME_SUFFIX Indicates what time unit to append to index names on Elasticsearch. Supported values are day and hour. Default value is day OPTIONAL
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_RECORD_TYPE Kafka record type. Should be set to "avro" or "json". Defaults to avro. OPTIONAL
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_METRICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL The interval which the app updates the exported metrics in the format of golang's time.ParseDuration. Defaults to 30s. OPTIONAL
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_INCLUDE_KEY Determines whether to include the Kafka key in the Elasticsearch message(as the "key" field). Defaults to false. OPTIONAL

Important note about Elasticsearch mappings and types

As you may know, Elasticsearch is capable of mapping inference. In other words, it'll try to guess your mappings based on the kind of data you are sending. This is fine for some use cases, but we strongly recommend that you create your own mappings (Especially if you care about your date types). If you are using multiple indexes, a index template is something that you should look into.

If you are planning on using Kibana as an analytics tool, is recommended to use a template for your data like belows.

Setting up a template in Elasticsearch

Index templates allow you to define templates that will automatically be applied when new indices are created. In this example, a wildcard (*) is used and every new index following this pattern will use the template configuration.

To set a template for some index, send a PUT REST method to: http://elasticsearch:9200/_template/sample-logs with the JSON below that matches your Elasticsearch version.

5.5.x ~ 6.8.x

The _default_ field is deprecated for versions above 6.x, but still supported.

  "template": "sample-logs-*",
  "mappings": {
    "_default_": {
      "_all": {
        "enabled": "false"
      "_source": {
        "enabled": "true"
      "properties": {
        "timestamp": {
          "type": "date",
          "format": "date_optional_time",
          "ignore_malformed": true
      "dynamic_templates": [
          "strings": {
            "match_mapping_type": "string",
            "mapping": {
              "type": "text",
              "index": false
7.0.0 and above
  "template": "sample-logs-*",
  "mappings": {
    "_source": {
      "enabled": "true"
    "properties": {
      "timestamp": {
        "type": "date",
        "format": "date_optional_time",
        "ignore_malformed": true
    "dynamic_templates": [
        "strings": {
          "match_mapping_type": "string",
          "mapping": {
            "type": "text",
            "index": false

Both templates do the following things:

  • Makes all strings not analyzed by default. If you want/need analyzed fields, you can either remove the dynamic template for "strings" or add your field as a property
  • Adds a date property to be used as a time field. Replace according to your field name and format.
  • Sets the _default_ type. Matches all types and acts as a base. You can override settings or set new properties by adding other types. For versions above 7.0.0, the behavior is the same, but the field was removed. You can read more about this here.
  • If you're using a timestamp with milliseconds, use epoch_millis as format for date type.

You can find more information here: Indices Templates, Date datatype


This project exports metrics such as consumer lag by default. We don't have a grafana template ready for consumers but you can use existing dashboards as inspiration for your application.

The exported metrics are:

  • kafka_consumer_partition_delay: number of records betweeen last record consumed successfully and the last record on kafka, by partition and topic.
  • kafka_consumer_records_consumed_successfully: number of records consumed successfully by this instance.
  • kafka_consumer_endpoint_latency_histogram_seconds: endpoint latency in seconds (insertion to elasticsearch).
  • kafka_consumer_buffer_full: indicates whether the app buffer is full(meaning that elasticsearch is not being able to keep up with the topic volume).
  • elasticsearch_events_retried: number of events that needed to be retryed to sent to Elasticsearch
  • elasticsearch_document_already_exists: number of events that tryed to be inserted on elasticsearch but already existed
  • elasticsearch_bad_request: the number of requests that failed due to malformed events


This repository uses Go modules for dependency management, make sure it is enabled. To build the project from source, run from project root:

go build cmd/injector.go

To run tests, first add kafka to your /etc/hosts file echo " kafka" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts and then run docker-compose up -d zookeeper kafka schema-registry elasticsearch and run make test.


The project's version is kept on the VERSION file on the project's root dir. Please update this file before merging any PRs to the master branch.

When a git push is triggered, CircleCI will run the project's tests and push the generated docker image to dockerhub. If the current branch is master, the docker tag will be <version>. If not, it will be <version>-<commit-sha>