Rocketjump your redux! Speed up redux-app development.
A set of tools to speed up the development of a redux based app:
- generate all you need from and for the state from a single function call, easy to extend, easy to compose.
- an out of the box way to organize redux folders by functionality instead of type.
- handy helpers to help you compose functionality.
yarn add redux redux-saga reselect redux-rocketjump
// (1) Define your customary fetching logic
function loadTodosFromApi(params) {
let myHeaders = new Headers();
let config = {
method: 'GET',
headers: new Headers(),
body: params
return fetch('https://myawesomehost/api/posts', config)
.then(response => response.json())
// (2) Import rocketjump (rj for friends)
import { rj } from 'redux-rocketjump'
// Main export
// Here we deal with actions, reducers, selectors and sagas that have been created for us
export const {
// Actions generated by rj
actions: {
// This is the function that triggers our fetching logic
load: loadTodos,
// This function stops the asynchronous task started with `load` and clears the state
unload: unloadTods,
// Selectors generated by rj
selectors: {
// Selector used to get the value returned by our fetching logic, when ready
getData: getTodos,
// Selector used to detect if our fetch is pending (i.e. the API call is loading)
isLoading: isLoading,
// Selector used to get the error with which the last API call failed (if available)
getError: getTodsError,
// The generated reducer
// The generated saga
} = rj({
// Type of our actions
type: 'GET_TODOS',
// Piece of state to put data in
state 'todos',
// And our fetching logic
effect: params => loadTodosFromApi(params),
// (3) And then use it in your main file
import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'
import { makeAppsReducers, makeAppsSaga } from 'redux-rocketjump'
import * as todos from './todos'
// Merge all our application parts
const APPS = {
// Create root reducer
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
// Create main saga
const mainSaga = makeAppsSaga(APPS)
// Initialize redux store
const preloadedState = undefined
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
const store = createStore(
// Start main saga
// Export the created store
export default store
The full documentation with many examples and detailed information is mantained at
Be sure to check it out!!
You can find an example under example, it's a simple REST todo app that uses the great json-server as fake API server.
To run it first clone the repo:
git clone
Then run:
yarn install
yarn run-example