Extended Editor Windows is a Unity package containing a collection of helper classes that extend the default Editor Window, making it much easier to create and customize your own Editor Windows within Unity.
- Open the Package Manager within Unity by going to
Window > Package Manager
. - Click the + icon in the upper left hand corner of the window and select
"Add package from git URL..."
. - Paste in the following Git URL: https://github.com/sebastian-inman-design/Extended-Editor-Windows.git
- Click
The folder structure of a newly created Extended Editor Window is as follows:
MyExtendedEditorWindow/ # Root directory.
|- MyExtendedEditorWindow.cs # The script that handles creation and logic of the window.
|- MyExtendedEditorWindow.uss # The StyleSheet for the template.
|- MyExtendedEditorWindow.uxml # The template containing the markup for the window.
using UnityEngine;
using ExtendedEditorWindows;
public class ExampleWindow : ExtendedEditorWindow<ExampleWindow> {
public static void Open() => OpenWindow("Example Window");
protected override void Initialize() {
Field("ExampleInput", "", field => {
Label("ExampleLabel").text = field.value;
Button("LogExampleInput", button => {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<UXML xmlns="UnityEngine.UIElements" xmlns:Editor="UnityEditor.UIElements" class="h-full">
<VisualElement class="flex-1 flex flex-col">
<TextField name="ExampleInput" label="Example Text Field" class="mb-16" />
<Label name="ExampleLabel" />
<VisualElement class="footer-actions">
<Button name="LogExampleInput" text="Log Example Input" />
The following USS variables can be overwritten in order to customize the theme of your Editor Window:
Variable | Default Value | Description |
--window-padding |
16px | The amount of padding the main editor window has. |
Variable | Default Value | Description |
--field-input-height |
36px | The height of the input field. |
--field-input-padding |
8px | The horizontal padding of the input field. |
--field-input-border-width |
1px | The width of the input field border. |
--field-input-border-color |
#111111 | The color of the input field border. |
--field-input-hover-boder-color |
#666666 | The color of the input field border when the field is hovered. |
--field-input-focus-border-color |
#3A79BB | The color of the input field border when the field is focused. |