
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Muse!

Muse is a web application that serves as a question and answer fourm based around the world of music. This project is inspired by Quora, a website that allows users to answer, comment, and ask questions on a variety of topics.

Live link: muse



Key Features

Code Snippets

Wiki Pages

Future Goals


Front End

  • JavaScript
  • HTML (rendered via Pug)
  • CSS styling
  • Favicon.io for favicon
  • Heroku (Hosting)

Back End

  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL (Database)
  • Sequelize.js
  • AJAX
  • Express Validator Library
  • CSURF Library

Key Features

  • Bcryptjs library to secure authentication (w/ Demo User) to ensure user security
  • CSRUF library used to prevent csrf attacks
  • Session cookies used to authorize users when trying to view shelves and read/update their reviews
  • Logged in users can create their own questions, and answer and comment on other user's questions
  • profile picture that shows an avatar and all questions and answers of a user
  • able to filter questions by tags

Wiki Pages

API Documentation

Database Schema


Feature List

Frontend Routes

User Stories