
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mr Filter and API Key Provider in Node

If request contains forbidden command, the program will pass {command : "" } to rippled.

Payment to other users is forbidden but payment to issuer is allowed. Issuer addresses have to be put in config.

Mr Filter

Mr Filter filters forbidden command and transaction from rippled request.

All transactions are signed offline and sent as tx_blob. All raw transactions are blocked.



  • Deploy in a server and set where rippled endpoint and listening port for incoming request are.
  • Define all issuer addresses in allowedPaymentDestinations
  • Set isFilterOnly:true

Typical config :

  "rippled" : "wss://r1.mr.exchange",
  "listeningPort" : 8080,
  "allowedPaymentDestinations" : [
  "isFilterOnly" : true

API Provider

API Provider replaces user api key with his secret key then passes his request to rippled.

Request containing tx_blob is blocked. Clients will send transactions with sign and submit method.

  "id": 1,
  "command": "submit",
  "tx_json": {
    "TransactionType": "OfferCreate",
    "Account": "rHMjZANhquizS74FutV3CNoWfQcoVkBxf",
    "TakerPays": "1",
    "TakerGets": {
       "currency": "JPY",
       "value" : "10",
       "issuer": "rB3gZey7VWHYRqJHLoHDEJXJ2pEPNieKiS"        
  "secret": "aAPIKEY",
  "offline": false,
  "fee_mult_max": 1000



  • Deploy one Redis master. Restrict inbound access to Mr.ID server. Mr.ID will write (or delete) user's api key on it.

Redis data has to be structured with

HMSET address apikey "userapikey" secret "susersecret"
  • Deploy one Redis as slave of the previous master. Slave syncs the data with master and has read only access. API Provider should also be deployed in the same server to reduce latency.

  • Set isFilterOnly:false in config

Typical config :

  "rippled" : "wss://r1.mr.exchange",
  "listeningPort" : 8080,
  "allowedPaymentDestinations" : [
  "isFilterOnly" : false,
  "redis" : {
    "host" : "",
    "port" : 6379,
    "password" : ""


All configuration should be put in config file. It can be renamed from config-template.

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Daemonize with forever
npm install forever -g
forever start -o out.log -e err.log index.js