BookService - is an API

BookService is developed in Go using net/http package and connected to MongoDB. Athorization to use the service is granted through JWT tokens with a lifespane of 5 minutes. JWT tokens are granted to registered users upon the sign in. The BookService supports GET, PUT, DELETE and POST requests for registered users.

API usage


Operations related to user.

/user/register - POST

User must register to be able to use the API. Send a JSON object containing "username" and "password" fields in a POST request to be registered. Example:


/user/signin - POST

After registering, authenticate by sending a POST request containing your username and password. Upon successful authentication, you'll receive a JWT token with a set expiration time


In order to have the access to the core routes of the API, user must be authenticated and hold a valid JWT token in a Cookie.

Book model

    "id": "_id",
    "title": "title",
    "author": "author",
    "year": 1990,
    "shortDesc": "description",
    "genre": "comma, separated, list, of, genres"

/api/books - GET

Gets all available books from the database in JSON format.

/api/books - POST

Adds a book passed via this request to the database. Book's id must be null or empty string. Returns an Id of the inserted book if everything is well.

/api/books/{id} - GET

Gets a book in with the requested Id in JSON format.

/api/books/{id} - UPDATE

To update a book, send along a JSON object with only those fields that you wish to update. For example, if I want to update only description and year, I'll send:

    "year": 1990,
    "shortDesc": "description"

You can't update the Id of the book.

/api/books/{id} - DELETE

The book with this id gets deleted from the database.