Object property watching using ECMAScript 5
Object.prototype.watch is a coming feature of ECMAScript 6.
But why wait?
##How to Use
###Local Watching
var w = new Watchable({a: 1});
console.log( w.a ); // Logs: 1
w._watch('a', function(property, oldValue, newValue){
console.log(property, oldValue, newValue);
w.a = 'test'; // Logs: a 1 'test' / Returns: 'test'
w.a = 'test2'; // Returns: 'test2'
###Remote Watching
var o = {x: 1};
var w = new Watchable();
w._watch('x', function(property, oldValue, newValue){
console.log(property, oldValue, newValue);
}, null, o); // Note the 4th parameter
o.x = 2; // Logs: x 1 2 / Returns: 2