
A simple starter for building awesome WordPress plugins

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple starter for building awesome WordPress plugins

What it does?

This project is designed to facilitate and speed up the production of WordPress plugins. It depends on grunt to create a fast and well organized working environment. It's super easy to use and to setup.

Getting started

There are few steps to follow in order to start:

  • Download the project to your WordPress plugins folder
  • Change the folder name in order to match your {your-project}
  • Change wordpress-plugin-starter.php to {your-project}.php
  • Open {your-project}.php and change the Text Domain to {your-project}
  • Type npm install && npm run start

Then you are ready to go!


├── assets
│   ├── dist
│   │   ├── css
│   │   └── js
│   └── src
│       ├── js
│       │   ├── admin-script.js
│       │   └── user-script.js
│       └── scss
│           ├── admin-style.scss
│           └── user-style.scss
├── include
│   └── main-class.php
├── languages
│   └── wordpress-plugin-starter.pot
├── Gruntfile.js
├── package.json
├── README.md
└── wordpress-plugin-starter.php

9 directories, 10 files

How does it works?

All your plugin related files are located in assets/src folder. While in watch mode all the files in assets/src folder and sub-folders will be compiled, uglified and saved in the assets/dist folder with the same name of the source file and following the same folder structure.

The plugin textdomain by default is the same that the package name, in this case wordpress-plugin-starter. A .pot file named {package-name}.pot is automatically generated using grunt-wp-i18n during the watch task or can be manually generated using: npm run build.

Note: remember to change the Text Domain in order to match your package name text domain, we suggest to use the same as the folder name.

So you don't forget to update the translation file after you finish your editing. (something that happened a lot to me)

Also the starter comes with jQuery automatically loaded and some starting scripts for both the admin and the user view.


Go inside the project folder and install his dependencies by typing:

npm install

Than you can start to write your changes using some npm scripts:

npm run start     # default task is to watch and rebuild on changes
npm run build     # build task will compile and rebuild everything