
Primary LanguageJavaScript

About this work

This is a NodeJS based Todo API list. This is to keep trace of the things which needs to be done.

I used Express with NodeJS and MongoDB for database. Other dependencies used include Mongoose to communicate with MongoDB driver, Bcrypt to encode the password gotten from the user during registration and JWT to sign a token that gets sent for authorization


Install with npm install command


Update .envExample with the needed details and change the name to .env

$ node app.js
Method Route Description
GET {{userURL}} Welcome note
POST {{userURL}}/register firstName, lastName, email, password -- body key
POST {{userURL}}/login email, password -- body key
PUT {{userURL}} firstName, lastName -- body key
DELETE {{userURL}}/:id delete user
GET {{todoURL}} get all users todo
POST {{todoURL}} todoName -- body key
GET {{todoURL}}/:todoID/ get a todo
POST {{todoURL}}/:todoID/ taskName -- body key
DELETE {{todoURL}}/:todoID/ remove a todo list
DELETE {{todoURL}}/:todoID/:taskID remove task in a todo