
Some decoding or encoding methods in galgame

Primary LanguagePython


Some methods for extracting or importing in galgame,

as well as some methods for chs localization.

With the list:

my util scripts

  • bintext.py, for text exporting and importing, checking
  • libfont.py, for extracting, building tile font, or generating font picture.
  • libtext.py, some matching and statistic method for text
  • texture.py, something about texture and picture convert
  • listmagic.py, list the files magic to analyze
  • textconvert.py, convert the encoding of text file

windows tools

  • win_injectdll.py , staticly inject dll to a exe
  • win_console.js, Allocate a console for game
  • win_file.js , view information for both CreateFile, ReadFile, WriteFile, fopen,fread, fwrite
  • win_redirect.js, redirect font, codepage, and paths in games
  • win_hook.h, single file for dynamic hook functions, such as IAT hook, inline hook
  • bintext.h, parser for ftext by bintext.py


  • extract_nt3.c, *.nt3 script extract


  • krkr_patch.c, make krkr_patch.dll for change locale and redirect CHSPATCH
  • krkr_sjis2utf16bom , batch convert sjis files to utf-16le-bom format
  • sdhime_xp3enc.cpp, for make encrypted xp3 files
  • sdhime_krkrpatch, support for つばさの丘の姫王 chs localization


  • artemis_pf8.py, pf8 format archive pack and unpack


  • tyrano_extractexe.c A tool to extract tyrano build-in exe files
  • qbit_text.py Extract and insert text for translate the game Q-bit_キグルミキノコ


  • azsystem_tool, not finished yet

  • lamune_hook.js, decrypt the *.asb and *.tbl files

  • lamune_patch.c, for ラムネchs support, semi-dynamic framework


  • winterpolaris_hook.js dump mjo and analyze majiro in winter polaris game
  • winterpolaris_patch.c Majirov3 dynamic hook CHSPATCH framework code example


  • akaihana_yurispatch.c, gbk support for game 越えざるは红い花 remaster


  • xtx_font.py, xtx font decode and encode, for 祝姫
  • iwaihime_pc_decrypt.c, sn.bin decode


  • air_psv_dat.py, dat picture(RGBA8888, RGB888, delta encoding,color panel) decode and encode
  • air_psv_psbtext.py, extract and import the text to PSV air, can be longer than origin
  • air_psv_4bppfnt.py, for building the psv air 4bpp font


  • redirect_ig.c, redirect the files to xxx_chs for separate CHSPATCH, tested in 天ノ少女 Innocent Gray


  • baranoki_psp_zp.py, baranoki_psp_pk, support *.zp, *.pk file for 薔薇ノ木ニ薔薇ノ花咲ク
  • baranoki_psp_vmc.py, baranoki_psp_pktext.py, text support
  • baranoki_psp_fontfnt.py, baranoki_psp_fontp.py, tile font support
  • baranoki_psp_boot.py, rebuild the boot for fixing size buffer


  • 月影の鎖 -錯乱パラノイア PSP, PSV see, my pull request in my forked GARBRO


  • bruns_decrypt.c , to decrypt EENZ file, 解体挿入新書 tested