
my ES6 Learning Journey. Each Lesson will constantly be updated until it covers everything ES6 offers.

Let's learn es2015

Let's learn ES2015 together. I share my personal Javascript (ES2015) study notes

Table of Contents

After watching Douglas Crockford's talk on ES6 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EF-FO63MXs), I understood how developing Javascript applications using ES6 is so defferent from ES5-way. This is my personal study note on ES6 or ES2015 and beyond.


Useful Links

1. [Writing on Github: Basic Styling and Syntax](https://help.github.com/articles/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax/) 2. [GitHub Markdown Cheatsheet](http://bit.ly/1dQOfRK) 3. [It is useful to see how your ES6 would translate to ES5. Babel REPL is a tool for that](https://babeljs.io/repl/)