Let's learn ES2015 together. I share my personal Javascript (ES2015) study notes
- Block Bindings
- Strings
- Functions
- Objects
- [Classes] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/Classes.md)
- [Arrays] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/Arrays.md)
- [Destructuring] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/destructuring.md)
- [Symbols] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/Symbols.md)
- [Sets & Maps] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/SetsAndMaps.md)
- [Iterators & Generators] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/Iteratorsandgenerators.md)
- [Asynchronous Programming & ES6 Promises] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/AsyncAndJSPromise.md)
- [Proxies & Reflection] (https://github.com/innocodive/lets-learn-es2015/blob/master/Proxies.md)
- Modules
After watching Douglas Crockford's talk on ES6 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EF-FO63MXs), I understood how developing Javascript applications using ES6 is so defferent from ES5-way. This is my personal study note on ES6 or ES2015 and beyond.
- Understanding ECMAScript 6 by Nicolas Zakas
- ES6 & Beyond by Kyle Simpson
- ES6 features in a Diagram
- Fantastic ES6 Resources
- List of ES6 Features and quick introductiion with examples
- Exploring ES6 by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- Javascript Allonge. The "Six" Edition by Reg "raganwald" Braithwaite.