
The most beautiful blockchain implementation of all blockchains

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Sharpest Chain

The most beautiful blockchain implementation of all blockchains

Actually, it is just an attempt to implement a very basic blockchain. This project was created in a one-and-a-half day hackathon at INNOQ, with the purpose to explain the concept of a blockchain and to teach beginners c# skills or refresh the skills of those who already knew c#. Created by a group of four people. Feel free to improve the code or be inspired by it.

Licensed under MIT license.


We used simple asp.net core 2.0 and added nuget packages for Akka.NET (used for server sent events), NUnit (unit testing framework), Newtonsoft's JSON .NET (used to parse JSON) and Jetbrains Annotations.


Run the project and the endpoints will be reachable under http://localhost:5000

Existing endpoints

All endpoints are stored as an example configuration for postman here.

Endpoint (GET) explanation
/ Information about the current node (your laptop, pc, process)
/blocks Lists all existing blocks. If you haven't mined any block yet, only the genesis block will be displayed
/mine Mine a new block for the chain. This might take a few seconds
/transactions List all available transactions that will be stored in a block
/transactions/{id} Show details of specific transaction, identified by {id}
/events List all events that have happened so far
Endpoint (POST) explanation
/transactions Allows you to store a transaction. A transaction may only contain a payload (string)