Project Skeleton for the master app.

For the slave see

You should find in this directory:

README : this file Makefile : simple make commands rebar.config : configuration for Rebar3 /src / : application information file for OTP /master_app.erl : base module for the Erlang application behavior /master_config.erl : configuration interface for your application /master_sup.erl : OTP supervisor for the application /master_resource.erl : a simple example Webmachine resource /priv /www : a convenient place to put your static web content

You probably want to do one of a couple of things at this point:

Build the skeleton application:

$ rebar3 compile

Start up the skeleton application:

$ rebar3 release
$ ./_build/default/rel/master/bin/master console


$ rebar3 shell

Change the basic application:

  • edit src/master_resource.erl

Add some new resources:

  • edit src/YOUR_NEW_RESOURCE.erl
  • edit src/master_config.erl's dispatch/0 function

On the fly editing

We're using sync now to do on the fly compilation of resources.

Once you're in a console, just type sync:go(). and it will recompile your files on the fly, but you'll have to use the dev profile:

$ rebar3 as dev shell