
A simple java blockchain, developed at the 2018 INNOQ Hands-On-Event.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This blockchain implementation was build at the 2018 INNOQ Hands-On-Event.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You'll need to install:


To build the project execute



To run the project execute


If you want to change the used port (default 3000) supply the port number as first argument.

Interacting with a running blockchain

Retrieving node information

To retrieve some information about the running blockchain node execute


This will output something like

Retrieving node info from blockchain runnig at: http://localhost:3000
  "nodeId": "83cf6954-2e59-499b-865a-07b7f667e947",
  "currentBlockHeight": 2

Retrieving blocks

To retrieve all existing blocks from the running blockchain execute


This will output something like

Retrieving blocks from blockchain running at: http://localhost:3000
  "blocks": [
      "index": 1,
      "timestamp": 0,
      "proof": 1917336,
      "transactions": [
          "id": "b3c973e2-db05-4eb5-9668-3e81c7389a6d",
          "timestamp": 0,
          "payload": "I am Heribert Innoq"
      "previousBlockHash": "0"
      "index": 2,
      "timestamp": 1524588413541,
      "proof": 2573043,
      "transactions": [],
      "previousBlockHash": "000000b642b67d8bea7cffed1ec990719a3f7837de5ef0f8ede36537e91cdc0e"
  "blockHeight": 2

Mining a new block

To mine a new block execute


This will output something like

Mining a new block in blockchain running at: http://localhost:3000
  "message": "Mined a new block in 1.013 s.",
  "block": {
    "index": 2,
    "timestamp": 1524588413541,
    "proof": 2573043,
    "transactions": [],
    "previousBlockHash": "000000b642b67d8bea7cffed1ec990719a3f7837de5ef0f8ede36537e91cdc0e"


innoq-blockchain-java-0815 is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.