
This repository contains some tools I showed during Cloud Native Coding

Primary LanguageHTML

test setup

This repository contains the tools:


  • creating and push image docker build -t eu.gcr.io/cloud-native-coding/code-server-java-debug:3.4.1 .
  • execute k apply -k . in folder ...cnd…ejs/config to deploy

demo open-svc

  • execute k open-svc myapp

demo kubespy

This is a patched kubespy script. Repo see above...

  • execute ./kubespy.sh myapp
  • open Chrome with http://localhost:8080/?folder=/home/cnde/project
  • add extension Java IDE Pack, reload browser window, go back to File View
  • wait for Java to setup, accept default Java Language Support
  • switch to Debugger View add launch.json, add configuration Java attach and change Port to 8000
  • add breakpoint at ProductAPI.java e.g. at line 22
  • start debugger with Java Attach selected
  • in terminal type curl localhost:8888/api/v1/products to check breakpoint

demo sniff

the above application has to be started and Wireshark has to be installed

  1. create load

    k run load --image=busybox -- /bin/sh -c "while true; do wget -O index.html http://myapp:8888/; sleep 1; done"
  2. start sniffing

    k sniff load -n trainer -p --socket /var/run/docker.sock