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i8-Stores is a specialized e-commerce platform dedicated to providing a curated selection of high-performance laptops and desktops. Offering a seamless shopping experience for tech enthusiasts, this repository houses the codebase for our web application. From user-friendly product browsing to secure checkout, i8-Stores is designed to make finding and purchasing your next computing powerhouse a breeze. Explore the latest in technology with our exclusive range, and stay ahead in the digital world.

Team members

  1. Naveen Ravi []
  2. Suraj P A []
  3. Manu Madhu []
  4. Issac Paul []

Team Id


Link to product walkthrough


Libraries used

@emotion/react: 11.11.1
@emotion/styled: 11.11.0
@mantine/core: 6.0.10
@mui/icons-material: 5.14.16
@mui/material: 5.14.17
@reduxjs/toolkit: 1.9.7
axios: 1.6.0
next: 14.0.1
react: 18
react-dom: 18
react-redux: 8.1.3
react-router-dom: 6.18.0
react-toastify: 9.1.3
redux-persist: 6.0.0 \

@aws-sdk/cloudfront-signer: 3.445.0
aws-sdk: 2.1494.0
bcrypt: 5.1.1
cors: 2.8.5
dotenv: 16.3.1
express: 4.18.2
jsonwebtoken: 9.0.2
mongoose: 8.0.0
nodemon: 3.0.1
razorpay: 2.9.2
uuid: 9.0.1\

How to configure and run

git clone /

Starting the server cd server npm install npm run dev

Starting the client cd Client npm install npm run dev

Demo user email id and password email: pass: 123