Create a Github App

  1. Set a name for the Github App
  2. Set a homepage (the org url is fine for our use case)
  3. Disable Webhooks
  4. Set permissions ("zero-trust/least privilege" principle) depending on the level of the Self-hosted sharing desired:
    1. Repository :
      1. Actions > Read-Only
      2. Administration > Read & Write
      3. Metadata > Read-Only
    2. Organization :
      1. Repository > Actions > Read-Only
      2. Metadata > Read-only
      3. Self-hosted Runners > Read & write
  5. Leave other options as default

Once created :

  1. Copy the App ID somewhere you will recall ghapp-appID
  2. Install the GH App on the organization that will need to authenticate the self-hosted runners ghapp-install
  3. Select the level of consent your wishing to give to this GHApp to authenticate self-hosted runners : At a selected repository or the entire org level : ghapp-consent
  4. Here's what you should have if everything went well : ghapp-result
  5. Copy the IntallationID from the Installed GHApp details url (*your-organization*/settings/installations): ghapp_installed_configure ghapp-installationId

Then select App Settings from the GH App page to export the private key used to generate access token later on :

  1. Select App Settings on your GH App details page
    1. If you closed the GH App page, you can retrieve it from your Organization > Settings > Github App : ghapp-details
  2. Head to the bottom of your Ghapp > General page to generate a private key
  3. Save the .pem file generated

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