
Simple magic to interpret code cell content as an f-string

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple magic to interpret code cell content as a simple formatted string or as an f-string and then display formatted markdown output.

NOTE: the MyST parser (as used in Jupyter Book) can increasingly handle variable rendering in markdown, initially via glue, but also now via an eval directive. At the time of writing, there is also a PR to bring eval directive into jupyterlab-myst.


pip install git+https://github.com/innovationOUtside/fstring-magic.git

To load the magic: load_ext fstring_magic

Two %%block magics are currently supported:

%%stringformat: pass the content of the code cell to a string formatter running in the local scope (essentially cell.format(**shell.user_ns) ))

%%fstring: treat the content of the code cell as an f-string (note this uses and eval() so treat with caution... Essentially runs eval("f'''" + cell + "'''", local_ns)


This might be useful where a notebook or markdown file is being used to author a Jupyter Book generated HTML site and inline code outputs are required in text without having to use glue. The code cell input should also be removed using a remove-input tag so that only the output formatted markdown is displayed.

See also: nbextensions/python-markdown"displaying output produced by the current kernel in markdown cells".

TO DO: make a simple notebook pipleine processor to weave this into a Jupyter Book workflow (related issue). For example:

if cell.type=='md' and 'f-string` in tags:
  #convert cell type to 'code'
  # tag cell as `remove-input`
  # prefix code cell body with appropriate magic