
Simple tool to validate OU-XML, roundtrip OU-XML and MyST

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Command-line tools for transforming and validating OU-XML, generating alternate views etc. Tools include:

  • generating Markdown/MyST Markdown from OU-XML (ouxml2md)
  • generating TiddlyWiki files from OU-XML (experimental)
  • generating OU-XML from Markdown/MyST Markdown via SphinxXML (myst2sphinxXML followed by sphinxXml2ouxml)
  • validating OU-XML
  • generating interactive HTMK mindmap and treemap views

A demo VLE site that renders OU-XML generated from MyST markdown is available here (OU Staff only; please email tony.hirst@open.ac.uk for access).

Install as:

pip install ou-xml-validator

For latest development version:

pip install https://github.com/innovationOUtside/ou-xml-validator/archive/refs/heads/main.zip


pip install git+https://github.com/innovationOUtside/ou-xml-validator.git

Transforming OU-XML to Markdown/MyST

An XSLT based transformation for transforming a single OU-XML file to one or more markdown files. A post-processor script then cleans and formats the generated markdown.

ou_xml_validator transform path-to-file/content.xml

We can clean the markdown as follows:

# pip3 install mdformat mdformat-myst
mdformat src 
ou_xml_validator cleanmd PATH
# If it's simple markdown, transform to myst
jupytext --to myst src/*.md

Transforming OU-XML to TiddlyWiki

Proof of concept: convert a single OU-XML file to a Tiddlywiki format.

Transforming Markdown/MyST Markdown to OU-XML

Inspired by a tool originally developed by Mark Hall, transform Sphinx XML generated from markdown files described by _toc.yml and configured using _config.ymlto OU-XML. Admonition extensions in the original markdown can be trasnformed using the innovationOUtside/sphinxcontrib-ou-xml-tags Sphinx plugin.

# Use Jupyter Book tools to generate Sphinx XML
jb build . --builder custom --custom-builder xml
# Transform Sphinx XML to OU-XML
ouseful_obt .
# The resulting XML should be checked using the OU-XML validator.

OU-XML Validator

Simple tool to validate OU-XML files.

To validate a single file:

ou_xml_validator validate path-to-file/testme.xml

Usage: ou_xml_validator [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  validate  Validate OU-XML document against OU-XML schema.
Usage: ou_xml_validator validate [OPTIONS] [PATH]

  Validate OU-XML document against OU-XML schema.

  -s, --schema TEXT  XML schema filepath
  --help             Show this message and exit.

Interactive HTML Mindmap and Treemap views

Generate interactive views over the heading structures of one or more OU-XML files:

  • interactive mindmap view (using jsmind):

Example module treemap (partial)

  • interactive treemap view (plotly treemap: note that the text layout is a bit dodgy!)

Example module treemap (partial)

Usage: ouseful_ouxml2mm [OPTIONS] SOURCE...                                    
 Convert an OU-XML file into markdown.                                          
╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    source      SOURCE...  Source file(s), directory, or glob pattern       │
│                             [default: None]                                  │
│                             [required]                                       │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --modulecode          -m      TEXT  Module code [default: MODULE]            │
│ --output              -o      FILE  Output filename or path/filename         │
│                                     [default: None]                          │
│ --use-treemap         -t            Use treemap                              │
│ --install-completion                Install completion for the current       │
│                                     shell.                                   │
│ --show-completion                   Show completion for the current shell,   │
│                                     to copy it or customize the              │
│                                     installation.                            │
│ --help                              Show this message and exit.              │

You can enter a path to a single HTML file, a directory, or a glob pattern. Files will be further filtered to files with an .xml suffix.

If no filename is entered, filenames of the form MODULECODE_xx.html will be generated where xx is replace by mm for a mindmap, and tm for a treemap.

Use the --use_treemap/-tswitch to generate treemap files.


ouseful_ouxml2mm Downloads/tm129_24j-week*.xml -m TM129 -t

ouseful_ouxml2mm Downloads/tm129_24j-week1.xml Downloads/tm129_24j-week2.xml


Install as:

python3 -m pip install .

For PyPi releases:

  • build as: python3 -m build
  • push to PyPi: twine upload --skip-existing dist/*


Tests in progress... These are a bit contrived and hacked, with a view mainly of checking some sort of XML and MyST equivalence to support a goal of round-tripping.

More "exact" tests are needed e.g. for checking small atomic element transformations exactly.

Run as: pytest or pytest -v