
ruby wrapper of http://developers.face.com/docs/api

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Note: This gem is still under development, create issues if you meet any problem when using it github.com/rociiu/face/issues

Face is a ruby library of SkyBiometry Face Detection and Recognition API.

Getting Started

sudo gem install face

>> require 'face'
>> client = Face.get_client(:api_key => 'your_api_key', :api_secret => 'your_api_secret')

Detect Faces with Urls:

>> client.faces_detect(:urls => ['http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5220/5431220348_fbdf80ae9.jpg'])

Detect Faces with Raw image data:

>> client.faces_detect(:file => File.new('image.jpg', 'rb'))

More Documentation refer to www.skybiometry.com/Documentation.

Author: Roc Yu (rociiu.yu@gmail.com)