DRF fields limiting

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This package provides utils for Django Rest Framework API views and serializers for limiting fields returned in responses thus limiting size and complexity of database requests.


pip install drf-fields-limiting


Inherit from LimitedFieldsView or LimitedFieldsViewSet and configure it to enable fields limiting. View limits fields of serialized object in response with respect to Fields HTTP header.

If header is not present or is empty show all fields. Fields limiting works only in GET requests.

LIMITED_FIELDS_CONFIG holds map of field name - operation to perform on queryset (from fields_limiting.operations). It should contains entries for all fields declared in serializer_class.

class MySerializer(LimitedFieldsSerializer, serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        fields = (

class MyViewSet(LimitedFieldsViewSet, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
        'char_field': Only('char_field'),
        'int_field': Only('int_field'),
        'foreign': SelectRelated('foreign'),
    serializer_class = MySerializer

All available operations are in drf_fields_limiting.operations module.

Example GET query:

GET /api/v1/base/my/ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Token h3r315myt0k3n
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Fields: char_field,int_field


The DRF complete autocomplete package is licensed under the FreeBSD License.