- 0
[self.tableview setEditing:YES] didn't work
#30 opened by geekishmai - 0
- 0
- 0
- 3
able to show context menu by using this library
#24 opened by Neeraj204 - 1
- 4
Crash - When a cell is left expanded, you update the number of rows and select a different cell
#4 opened by creatd - 6
is there anyway to expand only cell at a time? if a cell is already expanded, and user tries to expand another cell, the first cell should be collapsed and the new cell should be expanded
#19 opened by Rj707 - 1
It cannot create by code now?
#21 opened by weirdyu - 9
Expand/collapse flicks my tableview
#18 opened by hdoria - 2
Do you think update for swift?
#20 opened by osmanyildirim - 3
How to expand a cell programatically?
#17 opened by hdoria - 1
expand on accessory tap
#16 opened by yasirmturk - 3
Class missing
#22 opened by bb-git - 0
useful method canExpandAtIndexPath
#23 opened by bb-git - 2
Fail to call "viewForHeaderInSection, heightForHeaderInSection" with multiple section's
#13 opened by tushar666 - 8
Expand Cell is not Being called.
#15 opened by soniacasas - 1
-tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath and -tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: not called
#14 opened by malcommac - 1
Have you tried to implement it with swift?
#11 opened by hugocarlmartin - 1
Delegate methods not called
#12 opened by alaaghribi - 15
isExpanded always returns FALSE
#8 opened by CyberMew - 2
Multiple cell expansions does not work
#9 opened by CyberMew - 1
incorrect work
#7 opened by eugenesv - 4
#2 opened by llKoull - 1
#3 opened by chrischenyc - 1
Possibility to init through storyboard/xib
#1 opened by SSA111