
Simple DSL-like set of QPainter-based components for making complex custom QWidgets

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Qt Painted Widgets (Experimental/WIP)

Simple DSL-like library for creating complex QWidget's design in declerative compile-time manner.

The Main Goal: utilize boilerplate during creation widgets, which appearance based on custom QWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) implementation. For example in embedded-like software, where QSS and QML may drop perfomance drastically. TL;DR: as said Bjarne Stroustrup: "Make Simple Tasks Simple".

Language version: C++11. Sorry, I use it in embedded, where compilers still not so smart.

Inspired by: Flutter, SwiftUI and QML


In your *.pro file add next line:

  • Advantages:
    • All types known in compile time, no types erasure
    • Easily extentible & opened for aliases
    • Drawing of multiple (event nested/packed) components can be easily combined with custom painting code (before and after).
    • Method chaining: most of the Component's setters allow chaining like
      text.setText("Lorem Ipsum")
          .setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter)
    • Built-in support for styling and auto update next states: Normal, Hovered, Pressed, Disabled
  • Disadvantages:
    • Not dynamic: you cannot add/remove components in run-time
    • On components properties change - repainted the whole widget (by calling QWidget::update() internally)
    • Size of nested/packed components un-acessible (calculated during drawing)
    • Written in c++11, without such useful things as: concepts, if constexpr, fold expressions, using parameter pack
    • Due to templated-nature, debugging kinda difficult

Examples of usage

  • Simple single-component widgets in widgets/ directory

Components usage (simplest case)

  1. Describe component look:
    using View
        = TupleVertical < ComponentsTuple <
            components::Text, // Top    text
            components::Text, // Middle Text
            components::Text  // Bottom text
        > >;
  2. Use component inside widget:
    class MyWidget : public QWidget
        View graphics { this };
        explicit MyWidget(QWidget* parent = nullptr)
            : QWidget(parent)
        QSize minimumSizeHint() const override {
            return graphics.minimumSize(); // Restrict widget mimimum size
        // Accessors for setting text
        void setTextTop   (const QString& text) { graphics.get<0>()->setText(text); }
        void setTextMiddle(const QString& text) { graphics.get<1>()->setText(text); }
        void setTextBottom(const QString& text) { graphics.get<2>()->setText(text); }
        void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ) override {
            QPainter p(this);
            graphics.draw(p, this->rect()); // Draw graphics inside widget


To make compilation time shorter and not distribute QPaintedWidgets types over your project, useful to use PIMPL idiom for hiding everything related to graphics in source files.

Header (HorizontalIconButton.hpp):

#include <QAbstractButton>

#include <memory> // for std::unique_ptr<T>

/*  ┌──────────────────┐
    │ ┌────┐           │
    │ │icon│    Text   │
    │ └────┘           │
    └──────────────────┘   */

class HorizontalIconButton : public QAbstractButton

    // PIMPL
    class Gfx;
    std::unique_ptr<Gfx> gfx;

    // Default methods disallowed (here, in private section) to prevent miss-usage
    using QAbstractButton::setText;
    using QAbstractButton::text;

    using QAbstractButton::setIcon;
    using QAbstractButton::icon;

    using QAbstractButton::setIconSize;
    using QAbstractButton::iconSize;


    explicit HorizontalIconButton(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
    virtual ~HorizontalIconButton(); // Needed for std::unique_ptr

    // ---------------------------------------------

    void setText(const QString& text);
    QString getText() const;

    // ---------------------------------------------

    void setIcon(const QIcon& icon);

    // ---------------------------------------------

    QSize minimumSizeHint() const override; // For mimimum size restrictnment

    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override; // Major place - drawing 

Source (HorizontalIconButton.cpp):

#include "HorizontalIconButton.hpp"

#include "QPaintedWidgets/components/Icon.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/components/TextStatic.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/components/RectFilledRounded.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/components/RectFilledRoundedWithBorder.hpp"

#include "QPaintedWidgets/composed/generic/ComponentsPair.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/composed/generic/tuple_aligned/TupleHorizontalStretched.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/composed/generic/WithPadding.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/composed/generic/WithSpacing.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/composed/generic/WithMinSize.hpp"
#include "QPaintedWidgets/composed/generic/Nested.hpp"

using namespace QPaintedWidgets;

// Icon placed in rounded rectangle
using Gfx_Icon_in_Rect
    = Nested < ComponentsPair <
        WithMinSize< components::RectFilledRoundedWithBorder >,
    > >;

// Icon on left side, Text on right side (filling all space)
using Gfx_Items
    = TupleHorizontalStretched < WithSpacing < ComponentsPair <
    > >, 0, 1>;

// All items displayed over rounded rectangle
using GfxView
    = Nested < ComponentsPair <
        WithPadding < Gfx_Items >
    > >;

struct HorizontalIconButton::Gfx : public GfxView
    using base_t = GfxView;
    explicit Gfx(QWidget* widget)
        : base_t(widget)
        item_bg()->setBrush( QColor(Qt::red) ); // Custom styling

    // -------------------
    // Convenient aliases for easier access

    auto item_bg() -> decltype( this->first() )
        return this->first();

    auto item_items() -> decltype ( this->second() )
        return this->second();

    // -------------------

    auto item_icon_in_rect() -> decltype ( item_items()->first() )
        return item_items()->first();

    auto item_text() -> decltype ( item_items()->second() )
        return item_items()->second();

    // -------------------

    auto item_icon_rect() -> decltype ( item_icon_in_rect()->first() )
        return item_icon_in_rect()->first();

    auto item_icon() -> decltype ( item_icon_in_rect()->second() )
        return item_icon_in_rect()->second();

// std::make_unique for c++11 (via: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17903225)
template<typename T, typename... Args>
inline std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args)
    return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));

HorizontalIconButton::HorizontalIconButton(QWidget *parent)
    : QAbstractButton(parent)
    gfx = make_unique<Gfx>(this);

    // Example of usage - restyling
    gfx->item_items()->setContentPadding({4, 4, 4, 4});

    gfx->item_icon()->setSize({32, 32});
    gfx->item_icon_rect()->setCustomMinSize({60, 60});

{ }

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void HorizontalIconButton::setText(const QString &text)

QString HorizontalIconButton::getText() const
    return gfx->item_text()->getText();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void HorizontalIconButton::setIcon(const QIcon &icon)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

QSize HorizontalIconButton::minimumSizeHint() const
    return gfx->minimumSize();

#include <QPainter>

void HorizontalIconButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QPainter p(this);

    gfx->draw(p, this->rect());

Complex aliases

template <typename ComponentT, std::size_t STRETCH = 0>
struct Stretch
    using component_t = ComponentT;
    static constexpr std::size_t stretch = STRETCH;

// { Stretch<ComponentT, StretchT> ... } unpacked as { ComponentT ... , StretchT ... }
template <template <typename ...> class BaseT, typename ... StretchesT>
struct MyHBox : public
    TupleHorizontalStretched <
        BaseT<typename StretchesT::component_t ...>,
        StretchesT::stretch ...
    // Same as above, sorry for duplicate :/
    using base_t
        = TupleHorizontalStretched <
            BaseT<typename StretchesT::component_t ...>,
            StretchesT::stretch ...

    using base_t::base_t;

To write:

MyHBox < ComponentsTuple,

    Stretch< components::Text, 2>,
    Stretch< components::Text, 3>,
    Stretch< components::Text, 5>


instead of:

TupleHorizontalStretched < ComponentsTuple

>, 2, 3, 5>


  • cannot be combined with additional attributes
    • so: TupleHorizontalStretched < WithSpacing < ComponentsTuple
    • cannot be: MyHBox < WithSpacing<ComponentsTuple>, Stretches... >

Currently unresolved issues

  • TupleHorizontal & TupleVertical currently not handle zero-sizes (aka hidden components via MayBeHidden) (have no time, fix it later, sorry)
  • Text component size() always works in multiline text mode
  • WithMaxMargin - not implemented. Flexible wrapper, same as WithMargin but margin-offset may be shrinked, if space not enought
  • widgets/TextWidget & widgets/StaticTextWidget must use pimpl idiom
  • Implement Pixmap & PixmapAspectRatio & Circle & Triangles


Feel free to fork & hack :) If this was useful to you, please add ⭐ on github :)