A set of composable components for easy use of Google Maps in your Vue 3 projects.
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- 0
InfoWindow headerContent renders html as string
#297 opened by mikechalmers - 0
- 1
Stylers dont work anymore
#286 opened by SanderBrijer - 0
How should I use the js code part "const bounds = new;" in this package ?
#295 opened by deidei1231 - 0
Hope that only one InfoWindow will be displayed at a time when multiple markers are bound to InfoWindow
#294 opened by deidei1231 - 1
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Deprecation Warning
#290 opened by magistrator - 0
Support colorScheme option
#289 opened by nate-watkins - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
Adjust the method 'InfoWindow' to customize
#285 opened by leeobrum - 1
Access to the google.maps.Map object?
#283 opened by nielslynggaard - 2
No support for Promise<PlacesLibrary> in GoogleMap's api-promise prop
#251 opened by kacperorzechowski - 0
update changed zoom value
#276 opened by hdrodel - 1
Traffic Layer
#271 opened by hdrodel - 1
How can I use vue3-google-map with Nuxt 3 ?
#272 opened by DDD5677 - 2
AdvancedMarker doesn't work in Nuxt 3: [nuxt] Error in 'vue:error' hook - InvalidValueError
#270 opened by novalbayusetiawan - 2
Heatmap not render after get data from API
#269 opened by carromeu - 2
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Autocomplete Feature
#255 opened by sbautista05 - 0
location on map by place_id
#253 opened by Ben-Avrahami - 3
Struggling to customize cluster icon
#254 opened by ivan006 - 1
When did the styling of the info window change?
#256 opened by michael-gacit - 10
Add support for AdvancedMarker
#199 opened by halvtomat - 1
google.maps.Marker is deprecated. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead.
#262 opened by maybehcy - 3
How can the marker animation revolve between zero & one
#264 opened by a8300 - 1
Google VlSA
#258 opened by Suleymanmahmud - 1
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#260 opened by Suleymanmahmud - 1
google.maps.Maker is depreciated
#252 opened by vanlalruata - 1
How to customize the cluster icon?
#250 opened by LongGGEZ - 0
Problem with ClusterMarker styling in Vue 3
#248 opened by pims90 - 3
Dynamic Polyline Change
#242 opened by HusamElbashir - 0
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Dynamic Polyline Change
#209 opened by Krada88 - 0
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Can we use CustomMarker With Info Window,
#193 opened by DWeb-Hitesh - 1
how can i change the looks of a MarkerCluster?
#194 opened by hennobit - 2
how to use fitBounds on map markers
#197 opened by charliestrafe - 5
Unable to change MapTypeId
#198 opened by pierregremaud - 1
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Pass nonce property to js-api-loader
#203 opened by Diogomrol - 5
Documentation Down
#191 opened by nlassaux - 2
google.maps.Marker in the Maps JavaScript API (Deprecated as of February 2023)
#200 opened by melt-snow - 1
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Map doesn't work in nuxt 3
#189 opened by hakimov-dev