
Irrational app for searching VK wall post

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Very powerful, super, incredible application, which will help you find some of the records of your friends from social network Vkontakte. Yeah, yeah this you haven't seen before!

Doodle, Galaxysoft all don't understand how this's possible. But I did!

Seriously through, I did it for practice and fun. This doesn't work perfectly, but I have enough.

##Installation If you want to try, then you can take the following actions:

Requirements: MySQL, NodeJS, Internet connection, Browser.

Note: VK application authorization uses the OAuth 2.0 open protocol.

  1. Create profile http://vk.com/
  2. To shaw charisma and make friends.
  3. Go to the http://vk.com/dev/
  4. Create a new application (then "client id", "secure key" up your sleeve)
    • Category: Website
  5. Go to the settings your application and set next (example for local machine):
  6. Not bad for a start!
  7. Clone repository and install node modules
     git clone https://github.com/svarnoi420/searching-wall-post.git
     npm install
  8. Now we play the game. Because I know you like play the games. Go to the directory lib/app_server.js and src/index.html, then change all YOURS on your data.
  9. When you're ready start the server:
     node server
  10. Perfect! Or all went to hell...

##TODO To be more powertful:

  • don't add records to database, and do all on the client
  • optimize
  • add filter